Margalla avenue cancelled.Or delayed

A bad news for investers in b-17 as margalla avenue is cancelled or delayed as per polictical issues of pakistan.
As if nawaz shaifs government goes and if pti ot pat takes over they will be very delayed as around 2-3 years :(

It is already delayed .. Like other projects i.e new airport .. Where have you seen it being getting cancelled /???

just show me one link, reference and news paper clipping and anything in print where it is written that it is cancelled once and for all ???

don't be a rumour mongerer man !

Http:// haha u loose idiot and dont know so dont say

Errr… isn’t that article from July 2013… 15 months old???

@Muhid this new is published in July 2013. Please share if there is any latest news on margala avenue.

And if PTI and PAT is kicked out empty handed then where will B-17 end up?

People, stop spreading rumors based on speculations. This is a serious forum that has earned its reputation from quality of postings. As far the current political turmoil, we know that everything is standstill, and if PMLN govt is sacked then the entire real estate market will be redefined, not just B-17.


I will request the management of that there Forum should be used for spreading rumors as they are more informed about news related to real estate.

Odd but true, the political turmoil and ouster of Sharifs from govt. Benifets Property Market as per our history.

Sharifs are know to be good businessmen and thus bring about policies pertaining to business and industry. As a result people move their capital from Real Estate to Industry. In case of Sharifs ouster the over all uncertainity should push capital back to Real Estate since it is a much safer investment than industries .(but with low yearly returns) . You can see the prices of 125 marla Bahria rising by 40 k on the account of KSE dipping due to this recent dharnas and stuff.

No one can cancle the MA project because 50% is already completed. It can be delayed but never be canceled. Ghulam sarwar is in PTI. Government change will be beneficial to multi.

Margalla avenue is only cancelled for few months as just before Eid, CDA chairman announced that MA construction will resume after eid but then CDA got busy in cleaning shit from Constitution Avenue. They have budget allocated in the fiscal year 2014-15 so they will complete it anyways. Other thing is those projects can be cancelled which were on planning stage not those where more then half of development is complete.

Margalla avenue is needed for D-12 as well. Regarding B-17, it has serious issues of pollution due to stone crushing. Just visit the society around sunset and you ll know

Margalla avenue got delayed but now work will soon. It is delayed but not cancelled.