MR was called in GHQand was questioned, by a brigadier, for hours. He was put on waiting, allowed to sit only on a plain bench and was told to give Rs. 54 billions back to dha valley, he managed to grab from valley funds to spend on BT phase-8.
Not only this but also some more billions of the tax money, he owes to the tax departments.
He promised to give back the said money within two months.
As i wrote here before that Gen Raheel wants to clear the valley mess during his tenure. It seems MR's old practices are no more workable as there is no ch. Iftikhar with his son and Gen. Kiani with his brother to deal with, what was meant to be dealt with in past?
I also wrote here that mr wanted to make a big return in rawalpindi and he tried to side dha by sharing BT garden city but it is not enough, it seems. If he wants to make big thing in twin cities, he has to honor his promise to valley development and that’s is exactly what Gen. Raheel is after.
Good news for the valley’s poor souls.