Looking to buy in Bahria Enclave

Hi folks,

First time posting here. I am looking to buy a property for the purpose of building a house. Looking through the Zameen postings, it seems either they are fake posts, or the prices have really gone through the roof. Can Zameen prices same or close to the actual ongoing prices?

I am mainly looking for 1kanal or 10marla (possibl extra land) in good sectors (are A, C, C1, C2 good?). What should be the close to market price for these options?

Thanks in advance.

Forgot to add: I am also looking for owners of plots in BE to avoid dealers margins as much as possible. Will only use dealers for transaction purposes.

If you have plots in BE and looking to sell, please do reach out to me. Thanks

Dear Jazzy, BE prices have indeed increased in last few month and then became stagnant due to recent taxes on property. Another big jump is due any time, so I would advise you to move quick and close a deal as soon as possible.

C1, C2 and F would be good choices. A is already super saturated and prices have peaked. So why pay more when you can get plot at good location at lower prices.

Zameen prices are generally 10 to 20% high, which is basically bargain margin.

My advise: visit BE and check locations yourself. Talk to 3-4 dealers and check options. This will give you idea on fair market price. Then buy a plot which is:

a) possession-able without any disputes / litigations or delays.
b) on solid cutting land (not earth filled)

(BTW, welcome to the forum)

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Dear isloo1

Thank you so much for the response and sharing your analysis.

I am hearing similar news from some of the dealers that I got in touch with (via Zameen though). A few questions if you don’t mind me asking though.

  1. Can you give a high-level idea of a fair price range for these sectors? Assuming possession-able plot on solid land? The reason I am asking is that the property dealers I spoke to via Zameen, often said the prices are not much negotiable (roughly 2-3%).

  2. Is F the sector which is at height (I always confuse it with F1).

I live in states and visiting PK in late Summer. I plan to stay in isb for some time to visit the areas like BE/DHA etc. and hope to make a deal. However, I want to do as much research as possible to make sure I am paying a fair market price and not paying extra 15% to the dealer. I’ve heard some horrible stories.

So, any help in getting my expectations set would be greatly appreciated, hence the reason I am asking advice here.

Thanks in advance!

  1. Price ranges are quite wide depending upon plot location and ‘category’ (corner, park facing, boulevard, etc.) of plot. But as a ballpark, C1, C2 and F should be around and over 1.5 crore and A should be 2+ crore.

  2. Yes, 10-marla streets of F sector are quite higher than Avenue 1 (main road) level. And it has famous hilltop plots of Kanal size. F1 is behind the hill.

You should check out some youtube videos to get a good sense of the terrain and location.

I will also share contact of a dealer of my trust thru private message,

Thank you for the response. Much appreciated!