Lake city installment files 5/7 mirla


I am thinking of investing in lake city 5/7 plot files. These files have been going down since launch? What are the prospects of this investments in 3-5 years ? What is the projected plot rate after the installments are paid.

7 mirla plot in block 7a is currently available for 60-65lacks . The booking is for 50 lacks ? Worth investing now

Any one want to answer ?

Try to book in 5 Marla old booking of 25 lac only. Min. Wait is 6 month for gain

In my opinion, lake city management has created confusion by launching installment plots.

Now 5 marla in M7 block is avaialble in First booking, Second bookng, Third booking and Fully paid files in four different prices (mostly negative own) !!!!.

Availability of same block files in 4 different rates creates suspicion in investor mind; what and how?

This ill-timed step has probably panicked the Lake City market and at same time also did a gross injustice with old plot holders; who were deserving gains at this time of LRR near launch.

When buyer is hesitant or confused in decision making with multiple rate files in one society, the existing file holders would be directly effected due to break in natural trade cycle. IMO, the market forces would now take due time to settle sentiments there...

Lets hope for the best for Lake city file holders but short-medium term outlook there does not look very bright to me!!!