Is it worth buying a plot in dha phase 9 lahore, how good it will be buying property for 1-2 years.
Also could someone update the price as well as different website indicate different prices. Also what are the terms of buying , can you buy on installment or lump sum.
It's worth buying in DHA-9 Lahore but for the longer time span (around 5-7 years) for real return.
For prices you may get a rough idea from lahorerealestate dot com then call a couple of property agents to get better idea of current market rates.
It's not in installments, whoever you buy it from you will have to pay in lump sum.
TS in your opinion what is the maximum a 5 Marla plot can achieve in say 5-7 years? Thanks
Lahore DHA-9 has only files currently as balloting has not been done. File for 1 Kanal is around 47-48 lakhs currently.
Alina as of 1 november
one kanal file rate is 47.15
10 marla file is 34.25
5 marla file is 18.90
@ zubair after ballott rates will be double and after ballott development will be started and i think after 5 to 7 years a 5 marla plot will be at 55 lax.
In dha town a 5 marla plot is in 45 to 49 lax and after possession it will be of minimum 55 lax and after 5 to 7 years its rate will be at 70 dha 9 5 marla file plot rate will be at minimum 55 lax.
Thanks Zzingaro.
Hi Zzingaro
I am interested to buy 5 marla plot in DHA Phase 9, as mentioned i checked on lahorerealestate website it varies from 18 to 35 lac, thats why confuse about prices..
Could you please get me lead who to contact for buying process because i am not living in Pakistan but rather send someone from the family to get it sorted for me.
Also could you please explain what is difference buying a plot in DHA phase 9 or phase 8 as a investment prospect.
Dear Alina,
There are two things: 1) File and 2) Plot. File means it yet to be balloted which in case of Phase 9 no one can be certain. And Plot means the number has been assigned after the balloting - then there are further categories as to whether the Plot is in possession or not (so that you can determine when can you start the construction).
So coming to Phase 9 again, the price for File for 5 Marla is around PKR 18 to 19 lac. And price for 5 Marla Plot in Phase 9 Town is around 35 to 45 lac. Note: "Shuhada Town" was re-named to DHA Phase 9 Town.
I think you were looking for Phase 9 file which is for 18 to 19 lac right now so that once it's balloted you see high return on investment.
When it comes to DHA / Fazaia my trusted property adviser is Mr. Hidayat Sb, Fazaia Estate, PAF Market, Lahore Cantt: +92 300 8496 133. He does not deal with any other area.
If you want to have it in your name, you can still do that: the documentation will be done in your name, and when you go to Lahore next time you will have to appear before the DHA officials in person to get the Allotment Letter.
Thank you very much for your detail reply.
Only one more question as you mentioned " 1) File. File means it yet to be balloted which in case of Phase 9 no one can be certain"
Is that certain that if i buy a file, DHA will allocated the plot whenever they do the balloting or is that some kind of 100 plots are available and 150 investor bought it.
Little confusion.
If you get a file you will get a plot for sure after balloting. The thing which is not certain is that when will be the balloting. Hope it’s clear now.