CM Punjab finally gives go ahead to make a master plan for the knowledge city near Dera Rakh Chal at 705 acres land. One big university will be built just like oxford and 4-turkish universities will build their campuses in knowledge city. Its going to be a huge project. Each campus would be separated by lake and it would designed like modern countries. I heard that Punjab govt wants to start the construction from December. In my humble opinion; Dera Rakh Chal is surrounded by DHA phase-7 Y & Z blocks. If it happens then prices of phase 7 can further increase sharply and especially Y & Z blocks.
Thats a great news irfan. Thanks for sharing this imp update. This will be a wonderful development hopefully
If anybody wants complete information about this Knowledge city then google " knowledge city lahore 2013". Daily Nation and Dawn printed detail news regarding this project.
A wonderful development for Promoting Education in Pakistan ans Specially in Punjab
You are right Mr. Zain. One informed source told me that Punjab Govt has already transferred the land for this project to Punjab Education Foundation (PEF). They want to start this project ASAP and funds will be allocated officially in next fiscal year. They want to finish it before KPK govt coz PTI govt is also planning for such project in KPK. Rest Allah knows the best whether all this info is correct or not.