Investment option in zone 2

Thank you Nasir Bhai for the update and clarification.

Yes minimal and most common is 25x40 in G-13. I thought of that as 4.4 - 4.5 Marla as typical 4 Marla is 20x40. Do they refer to 20x40 as 4 Marla?

پراپرٹی کے جھمیلوں سے الگ ملک کی تاریخ کی سب سے اعلی خبر۔۔
عمران تاریخ میں نام لکھوا رہا ہے ۔۔اب تعلیمی نصاب میں پانچویں تک ناظرہ قرآن کریم پڑھایا جائیگا اور آگے کی جماعت میں ترجمہ کے ساتھ۔۔
اللہ پاک عمران کو لمبی زندگی اور اقتدار عطا فرمائے۔۔۔یہی شخص ملک کو بنائیے گا ۔
علاؤہ ازیں چین اور عالمی بنک نے 10 ڈیمز کی لاگت منظور کر دی ہے۔ کیا ہے عمران اور اسکی فراست اور دلیری دنیا میں مثال بننے جا رہی ہے۔۔
مافیا کے منہ پر ایک اور بھر پور تھپڑ۔۔۔


Since each thread has been spammed with fake stuff and usual non-sense. I hope the Moral Brigade here (now in Deep Sleep) don’t get triggered one fine morning if they have been silent till now.

Nothing new, China have a multitude of Power Sector Projects including Coal, Farms, Renewable and Dams and it was rooted into the inception of CPEC.

Tarbela 5 Expansion - Concept, Final and Financial Approvals (Jul-Sep 2016)

Ground Braking Yet Again, Aug 12, 2021


Hats off to Imran Khan
لخ دی لعنت نندی پور مافیا کی ریکارڈ توڑ کرپشن پر اور ریکارڈ جلانے ہر۔۔
اب بھگوڑا اینڈ کمپنی اپنے جگر سوختہ کا خیال رکھے۔
ایسے بیمار دماغ کی تعلیمی نصاب کی تاریخی تبدیلی پر کوئی تعریف نہیں۔۔
Sick people with sick minds & sick approach…


MashaAllah!! Hats-off for derailing PAK a decade backwards!


Fire at PID destroys financial records, damages building](Fire at PID destroys financial records, damages building - Pakistan - DAWN.COM)


“Sick people with sick minds & sick approach…”

I rest my case with Healthy Mind Discussing Matters in Public as they happen under his Roof

Joke of the history?
London’s criminal bhagora talks on independence day:
" We are living in gora’s slavery".
His sons took the oath under Queen’s Kingdom…Bhagora himself begging for the politics asylum in the very same country, he is blaming…
Briton is telling him " get out visa no more" but
" Hum abgrezoun ki ghulami main reh rahe Hain"???
What a wisdom, making himself stupid of stupidests…
Kia ye kirdar clown hamara 3 times PM Raha!
How unfortunate our country?

  • Yes Qasim, Sulayman, Terrian White all reside in Mianwali and study in NAML, on PAK Passports.

  • Our PM (highest seat) of state not begging in August for Biden to Call.

  • Riyast e Madina Architect has not sought stay on Party Funding and BRT etc. No, he has never been trailed in Californian Court for fatherhood case from which our PM is not a Bhagora (running from DNA) test!

Say MashaAllah to be a citizen of Lucky Country!!

Pls do not indulge deep personal stuff…
Are you aware of yours saintess emergency wedding?
Millions times, I attempted to shoot in your useless head that curruption is an integral part of any democratic govt, Imran govt no exception.
Imran having all baggage on him, steering the country like a leader, a leader with a clear vision both in-house & on international front…
Bhagora did not know even what is the purpose of a foreign minister for years?
If you indulge pure personal, which only your obedient mind could do, then I will tell you the filthy life of your saints & their siblings…
Ask yourself…Do you qualify for Sadiq & Amin???


Where is personal stuff? Facts about highest post of PAK is personal? A proven convict in Californian Court!!

Rest I made it clear I never give slightest of F to those who take pride in using abusive language at their homes (proof in screenshot).

Don’t expect me to be a worshiper of your Political Bhagwaan.

Mr. Talking of DNA is a pure personal stuff.
I only talk mafia’s political mishaps & curruption…never ever " DNA" stuff.
لوگوں کی ذاتیات کو کھوجنا ایک مسلم کے لئے سخت ممانعت ہے
مجھے 100 فی صد یقین ہے کہ آپ مجھ سے بہتر مسلمان ہیں بلکہ امتیاز نام ہی اپنے اندر ایک امتیازی وصف رکھتا ہے اور آپکے والدین نے آپکو اچھا نام دیا ہے لیکن جب میں نے اسلامی تعلیمی نصاب کی خوشخبری سنائی تو ایک لفظ بھی بغض کے بارے آپ کے قلم شریف سے گوارا نہ ہوا؟
آدھی رات کو اٹھ کر پھر لنکس اور لنکس۔۔اور۔۔


Public Office Holder that publicly curses and disgraces the word Naani (Mother of Mother) and than hides behind personal stuff!

For office holders, there is no personal stuff. Anyone can see, for elected members even not declaring their Family Members as per law makes them disqualified!!

Link from a Credible Publihsed source provides material as evidence that is easy to counter check rather than made up stories!!

Dear Imtiaz sb,

I am very grateful for the comprehensive reply with projection and timeline. It aptly answers my question.
Another question I would like to ask is that G-13 prices are certainly high but why I-14 prices should only be compared to G-13 and why not also with G-14 for future growth. What I have analysed is that G-14 is relatively cheaper than G-13.

Thanks again for your valuable feedback.


Imran sb, you are right, as far as most precise comparison it should had been 14 vs 14. However, the reason for my relative comparison with G-13 as benchmark was:

  • Both G-13 and I-14 are fully developed with no litigation and full possession available.

  • G-14 subsectors (14/1 to be precise) FGEHA/CDA dont have land but plots sold. Moreover, there is Built Up Property with no sign of how much more time needed to get that cleared. So prices are more volatile. Once G-14 fully developed the prices would be matured and on par with G-13.

  • There is a direct competition between I-14/15/16 as well but they are all beneficiaries of same events and development. Whereas G-13 as a benchmark have gotten quite mature and gives us an idea about how much a cheaper sector (I-14) after being 4-5 KM away (8 - 10 Min) drive from G-13 can gain, in relative comparison.

  • Roughly speaking, we try to compare Top of Line from two different segments. I see G-13 as top of the line (new G-series sectors from G-13 to 15) and I-14 as top of the line (new I-series sectors from I-14 to 16).

G-13 to me seems more of a benchmark to assess relative growth (G-14/15, I-14/15/16)

Rest is just usual rosy picture of the situation, the important is that allocated budget of 630 M and Time Frame of 1 year that seems interesting, if goes as per the plan …

Dear Imtiaz sb,

Thanks again for your valuable feedback. Very precise and synoptic comparison.
I was not aware that G-14 is not fully developed yet. Now G-13 as a benchmark is quite understandable for me.

Do you also think that apart from I-series the societies in vicinity i.e Taj residencia may also be a beneficiary of this bypass.

Best Regards

Yes the direct beneficiaries will be …

  • I-14/15/16
  • Taj Residencia
  • FOECHS/CBR-2/Upcountry Enclosures and any land in the proximity between Golra Mor and Thalian Interchange

Imtiaz sb,

I am very grateful.
