Investment in top city

-short term
-raise after 2015
- budged 3.5 m

Your opinion is preferred!

That is the best time to invest in DHA lahor Phase 7 10 Marla File. 100% Save investment in DHA. Contact Zubair 03314148110

Unless it becomes absolutely clear if this government has priority of completing the new airport, one should refrain from investing in Top City till than. No one knows when will this airport be completed. Not at least in 2015 for sure with this pace.

If someone is high risk guy, better to risk money in DHA Valley and Enclave 2.

Topcity-1 safe and good investment, After 2015, it will be one of the most lucrative society in Zone 2. Airport will be functional by 2016 and in 3.5 M u can go for 10 marla and 1 kanal plot each in F block... Already the investors have started buying so dont get late.

Will give u very good return Insha ALLAH.

@Muhid. Top city project itself is not bad at all, but at this point in time there are some question marks around the project, mainly with its approach road. The matter is complicated as some of those factors are beyond top city management’s control. So if you want to take a risk you may go ahead, although I would suggest waiting a little for things to become clearer. Plus disposing it off in 2015 is too premature, as the airport will still be far from completion and even farther from becoming operational.