I'm a small builder, i'm building a one kanal double story house in naval anchorage. Naval anchorage is a nice place to build a house and, live in it and call it a home. Insha'allah, i'm hoping to complete it in next few months and put it up for sale.
1- how good is naval anchorage as a society ?
Answer would be, very very good, in a fact it is so good that we're hoping to build at least three more houses there, ranging from 5 to 14 marlas
2- is it worth investing 40 - 50 lakhs in a double story home there ?
The asking price for a new double story house is atleast 50 hundred thousands. A 5 marla plot at a relatively good location now costs upwards of 17 hundred thousands. A single brick which is just good enough would cost you 6.20rs. Then there is cement and sirea, i call them the new booleans of construction industry, any ways the cost adds up and then finally there's a cost of waiting for the right buyer and hence my pay day, on the lighter side, i'm heart broken ever since i read and came to know that you are in favor of buying a house on installments(just kidding). Is it worth investing? My advice would be that, decide what you are shopping for, a house or a home. When you are shopping for house then you've liberty to think like an investor(may be), otherwise think like a father, a husband, a bread earener, a guardian... Beacuse cost of living in the naval anchorage is(atleast for now) bit on the higher side. No good schools(i know there are atleast three schools in naval anchorage), no hospitals(there is a clinic run by navy, it operates in duty hours only), fewer shops for groceries, cost of services are high, then there is also a cost of travel in terms of fuel and time, so the cost of living there adds up.
3- i know security there is pretty good and because its army run their are no issues of embezellment. So what are so of the other drawbacks ?
It is a naval venture, so things are running very smoothly.
- Is their any water, electric or any such issue that you may know off ?
No shortage of water, if you are construting a house then you can face some shortage of water in summer but no shortage when you are living there. Electric? At least as much as the other societies.