Investment in lahore - dha

It seems like islamabad prices are more than mature , most people are thinking to move investment to lahore where you are still capable to invest 5 to 6 millions in secure and liveable place like dha.
Please share your opinion about investing around 6m in dha. Are other places promising as dha? More specifically dha rahbar future? Please comment specially the investors of lahore

In Islamabad you can still invest 6m in DHA Phase 2 sector M and N as well as Phases 1 and 4. In Lahore the good phases like 6,7 and 8 are already out of reach.

You can buy developed 10-Marla plot in Y, T & U blocks of Phase-7 Lahore. DHA Rahbar is also good option. After construction of ring road southern loop in next 3-yrs, its value would increase reasonably.

Agree with PK-1, DHA Islamabad M & N blocks has good potential but take ur decision quickly coz after the news of Signal Free Expressway, prices can start increasing any time in near future.

Thanks for your feedback.I am considering factor of genuin home seekers than speculative investors. DHA phase 2-Islamabad M and N are non possession. I want on ground possession plot. As I understand the nature of Islamabad people , they still consider DHA as pindi.If somebody has strength to travel 60 km daily , he considers rawat's giant "bahria town" which is 3 times better than DHA. On the other hand, Lahore DHA is also far from center but wealthy middle class and higher class are loving to move there being status symbol. There seems good interest for real home makers in DHA Lahore.

Please explain difference between DHA lahore and DHA rahbar , why they have 2 different websites.

Danish bhai Block M has possession. Secondly, after a few investments on merits and fundamentals of a society based on location, development standards and proximity to main Islamabad, I realized that it is better to look for speculative options where there is trend of dealers and overseas brothers as compared to good fundamentals only.

After all, places like DHA-2, Bahria and B-17 have given much better capital gains even after downward adjustments as compared to strong fundamentals and better Value for money in Cabinet society.

The reason? Well it is Trend of capital flow has snowball effect. The avalanche is started by the innocence of overseas Pakistani who think that only DHA and Bahria are safe. They think in other places someone will occupy/grab their plot while they are abroad.

May Allah reward you for timely feedback. I am inclinding toward DHA-2 block M. Can you guide for price range?

The range is wide. Please check listings on plots for sale on Zameen portal.

I agree with Paki-1 that generating good returns from property and selecting a good place for residence are not exactly the same thing. The high returns are invariably generated where the investor activity is higher. But I disagree with the suggestion that it is the overseas Pakistanis who start or create speculative bubbles, for any reason. It is Always done by big local investors who decide when and where to play their next game. Everyone else just follows their lead, whether foreign or local.