Dear investors/seniors
Is it a good time to invest in g/15 and if so which zone
If one was to buy what size plot should you consider which will gain the most capital
40x80 level plot is better option. 60x90 will compete with 50x90 elsewhere. Most people will not give money for difference between 50x90 and 60x90.
I think smaller size plots are always better because they are easier to sell also. If some one has the money, I would always recommend buying two smaller plots than one larger one. That way even if you need some money in emergency or need, you can sell one plot and hold the other. And as I said, smaller plots are easier to sell when you need to.
Agreed with ZG
I think one should also pay importance to the fact as how a particular locality will evolve. E-11 and DHA are good for 1 kanal plot investment.
50x90 might not be very suitable for G-13 investment.
B.r.malik sb there are commmercial plots also available on installments in g15 markaz for 1.8 million total price. Do you know anything about investment in commercial of g15. Is it good just like residential. Malik sb kindly clarify i heard when comparing localities for gains the rule is to follow the price tag for specualtion. E.g. A 14 marla g15 plot would be 9 million now and a 14 marla g13 plot would be 20 million now. After some time if we assume 14 marla g13 plot reaches 35 million i.e. A gain of 15 million but within the same time g15 plot 14 marla due to its capital amount would only reach some 13 million i.e. A gain of only 4 million.
is this theory correct
Mobeen sb commercial plot in g-15 for 1.8 million and that too on installments??Are you kidding sir??
Saadi sb i will recheck. Someone told me about it. He lives in g15. I think he hwas talking about a new plaza to be built in g15 markaz. I think ready shops of 1-2 marla are available in 6 million
Mobeen sb. I don't think this theory is correct in this case. There is a gap between G-11 and G-13. Than G-15 is also with " sector disconnect". This theory could have been correct between G-13 and G-14/4.
G-15 is not a CDA sector. GT Road lies in between along with access of G-15 from GT Road. But I still think G-15 and F-15 has potential.
Hm okay so you mean to say that same size of g14/4 would not gain that much as would of g13. By this it means g14/4 relies upon g13. But what g13 relies upon for its gains given there is gap between g13 and g11 and also does it mean if we say g13 relies upon g11 there in future g11 will rise faster and bigger than g13? And which locality to compare g15 with to predict its gains due to the sector disconnect factor.
Malik sb i heard big plots have big gains than smaller plots. As you suggested 14 marla in g15 which is around 9 millions but if we compare it with 5 marla of d12 which is also around 9 millions. Which will rise higher in price in near future. A 14marla big size in zone2 or a 5marla smaller plot in zone1?
Saadi sb
what is your analysis or prediction on g-15
will it do as well as g-13
if you had a choice to invest would you purchase 40/80
plot or 60/90 and why
Mobeen Sb. Do not buy any 5 Marla in Zone 1. Five Marla category is consumed by the people who are short of budget.
Bigger plots gain much but take a lot of time. Further, it depends as how that locality is developing of big guns or people like us.
35x70 is most sought after product in any locality. Since G-15 has no 35x70, 40x80 is better option.
I think G-14/3 35x70 or greater is good investment.
I my opinion You will see when Machinery comes on kashmir highway the first jump will be greater for G-14/3 than all others in the area, or in otherway it is better to get 30x60 possession plot in G-16/4 it will also give a good result.
@B.R. Malik. Essentially your point is correct but given the strange mindset of our people, any possession plot in Zone 1 is a good asset to have. Many of the investors even though wealthy have no sense of taste and quality lifestyle or at least they don’t care about it. Its all about showing off. That is why you get these ridiculous prices in proper CDA sectors, even non-possession areas. Instead of being connoisseurs of quality living, we have a variety of “Zone-1 fetish” and some “ICT freaks”.
Agreed with raza sb..
Amran sb..Sir i will opt for 40x80 of g-13..Why??Because 40x80 in these is bought by relatively wealthy class who never wish to leave zone 1 for 60x90..Yes if i have to opt between 5 marla of g-14/4 and 40x80 of g-15..I would definitely go for 40x80 of g-15 because 5 marla would definitely have a smaller jump because 5 marla is usually bought by people who have budget constraints.
Saadi sb a 5 marla plot in D-12 is selling for as much as 90 lakhs these days. You deal in DHA, tell me honestly if an investor comes to you in DHA with a 90 lakh investment would you consider that person to be having a “budget constraint” or would you be showing him the best plots in K & L?!! I hope you get my point
Sir it all depends upon buyers’ mentality…Zone 1 freaks can even live in 1 marla after paying 1 crore…Actually each of the two has its specific type of buyer so cannot be compared like this…But its for sure that 1 kanal of dha would generate lot more returns than 5 marla of d-12.
Thankyou malik sb and saadi sb for reply. Sir i fail to understand what is mean by budget constraint plot. Is it a residual or by-product type of plot which no one considers but only someone who just wants to buy it for the sake of being in zone1. Also smaller plots inflate quickly and i think a 5 marla would be higher in price than a 10 marla probably a 10 marla would be something 1.6x rather than 2x of the price of 5 marla (within same locality). I have visited g15 once and saw it is much better looking than g14,g13 and d12 (for now). So if a 14marla in g15 can rise faster than a 5or6 marla in g13,g14,d12 what can be the reason as a 14marla g15 is undervalued but if it is undervalued there must be a reason it is not gaining price the way it should and maybe it would not gain even in future?
dha2 kanal plot and d12 5 marla are same price somewhat but if d12 picks up with construction activity and gas and water so saadi sb dont you think d12 even 5marla will go ahead in race than a kanal in dha2 because d12 prices stagnant for more than a year now. Dha2 also very far from islamabad and very big. I think distance from A or B block in dha2 till islamabad expressway gate within is 4or5km anyway.same is from d12 till khaban-e-iqbal but from khabane-e-iqbal is straight road like isb expressway and very close to central areas of islamabad
Sir d-12 has reached a sort of its maximum limit.Now no big jump can e expected unless some good development takes place…It will hover around this price if development is not resumed by cda…By the dha 1 kanal plot is atleast 4 million more expensive as compared to 5 marla of d-12.Secondly 1 kanal of dha 2 has the capacity to cross even 20 millions and dha 2 is sort of undervalued due to availability of plots but 5 marla of d-12 cannot hit even a price tag of 12 million without some decent development.Also if 10 lane project executes,then you can imagine the trend towards big names of zone 5.Plus d-12 is also not so close to central islamabad and one more thing sir,living near zone 1 is not the necessity of life…Security,Water Gas Electricity are the necessities and d-12 lags in most of them…It is also overpriced due to the factor that it was allotted to the big guns which made it insanely expensive and majority of them have sold their plots so now i personally think that there is no catalyst left for d-12 for price increase unless and until decent development is done by the civic agency.