Investment in f-15 vs i-15

Dear experts,

How do you rank f-15/2,3 as investment opportunities as compared to i-15? Do you think the azad jammu & kashmir society is reliable and has enough budget for the developments of these sectors? Its on the cda website that j&k cooperative society does not have the noc for sector f-15.

No idea about that.this area is good but delaying of possesion and dev in f15/2 has reduced its cradibility.

Some areas in F-15/2 are acquired and undergoing development.

Dear Usman,

In my opinion both options are long term investment.


I have some investment at F-15. F-15 is a good investment place. But one should only buy possession area or near to possession areas.

I sectors has little future of price appreciation. All I sectors are not suitable for investment though I-14, 1-15 and I-16 are all in zone 1.

Prices of F-15 one kanal and bigger plots seem to be stuck in time.

But seriously it should be a good time to buy some of these huge plots at just above a crore. In Neighbouring G-13 prices are 4 times higher.

Doesn't make sense. Something's got to give.

Yes but rentals are not bad in F-15 becz of location advantages. So if you get a cheap 1 or 1.2 kanal plot and you can construct 2-3 decent sized portions you can easily earn income of 1 lakh per month or more.

And price will also appreciate massively here becz of current depressed rates.

75x120 plots of 1000 yards are for around 2.20. Good price. Will these plots also go up? Since I have a doubt that F-15 is not a preferred place for 1000 yard class.

The bigger the plot the slower the growth everywhere especially now with official levies on transfer of larger plots.

But still, F-15 is too important a location. Prices will rise and now is an excellent time to buy whatever you can get your hands on.

But PK1, isn't it so that 5 Marla plots everywhere do not have organic growth? 5 marla can be traded quickly and prices get inflated too due to trading. So when prices fall, biggest decrease come to 5 Marla. 5 Marla are closer to stock exchange trading. One can gain big and lose big. What do you think about it?

This though came after reading statistics about Bahria plots in 2014. One shouldn't buy 5 Marla in property hype.

That is true because 5 Marla is not very good for house construction. Simply too small. 35x70 is ideal for investment in my view. And 40x80 is the second best for investment then 50x90. You can go for 60x90 if you get it cheap which is a good possibility. Some people need money and dispose of it at 50x90 price.

But generally larger plots are not fast moving items.

Pk1. Just to clear the glitch a little more, I remember when I entered forums ISBase and others used to say a lot that " bigger plots have longer legs to run". This point was specifically discussed. Does it mean that 5 Marla are short term quick game and big plots is a long term game ?

I also read somewhere in newspapers that 5 Marla is the most sought after item in Pakistan due to budget constraint.

Malik sahab what I have learnt over the years is that you should go for a big plot for self living or construction rental purposes.

However, for investment purposes, smaller plots are better. Ideally, 35x70 is a very good size. However, in some DHA phases 50x90 is also good for investment. Generally smaller plots have more buyers and hence a better market. Also, you can liquidate as you go along depending on how much cash you need. If you liquidate a big plot for cash requirements, you will need to reinvest the remaining money.

Agreed with Pk1… That is what I’ve been saying to Malik Sb also… Big for yourself, small for others is the best strategy.

Thanks PK1 and Junaid.

Guys i don't understand what you refer to as small plot. I mean upto how many marlas do you consider a plot small and from how many marlas does a big plot start?

also does this small and big apply differently to different areas like Dha, cda etc. Or is it the same? and what about gains? do big plots have big gains over time than smaller plots? i thought a 10 marla plot would gain 2 times as much as a 5 marla would.

Generally in Islamabad the large sizes in new sectors are 50x90 or 60x90 while the small sizes are 20x40 and 25x50. The mid range is best for investment which includes 30x60, 35x70 and 40x80.

There are more buyers for the mid range so the market is bullish and return on investment is generally highest.

In some areas, the big plots are the most common variety such as in DHA. In these schemes where big plots are highest in number, it is a good option to go for the big variety as the price increase in big plots will be as good as smaller ones.

Thx pk1 that helped a lot

Any idea if I-15/4 plot is worth holding keeping in mind prices are already in the range of 70-75 lakh for 5 marla? Experts advise needed. By the way i was about to sell for 47 few months back but thanks God, there was some document issue and now the prices are sky high

Prices might not rise as sharply as they did till the Eid. As long as the Golra Underpass thing is alive and in news prices are expected to rise though not sky rocketing but more organically. Time to hold I will say …

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