Is it a good idea to invest 8-8.5 million in dha 7 lahore 1 kanal plot . If yes in what sectors ? What is expected time frame for return?Also advise me reagrding disadvantage of close proximity of brbl canal
Disadvantage would be that it would at the edge of the city, however some people may like to be away from the city in a quiet area. I think that you need to hold it for at least 3 years as house construction has been allowed in a few blocks and it will take a few years before you see any meaningful construction activity in the area.
Phase 7 in my opinion is not good from investment prospective. Phase 8z block and phase 9 will gain maximum this year until balloting.
If DHA 9 goes up then phase would also go up as it is already developed and people can build houses in some of the sectors. Phase 9 is still many years behind in development. Phase 7 would appeal to people that want to build a house in the next few years.
Phase-7 P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W blocks posession has already given. 4-5 houses are under construction in R- block right now. U can witness more construction activity in next 2-3 years in different blocks. Now X, Y, Z blocks are left & their posession would be given this year.
Until possession is given I would not count the chickens but it is obvious that Phase 7 would be developed and populated quicker than Phase 9.