Investment in Bahria Enclave Islamabad

Is investment in bahria enclave islamabad a good option?If yes , wat size of plot, at wat price and how long for a good return on investment?Also please advise if it is good location to build house and live?

It’s a good place for living. Investment climate in Enclave is not conducive for short term. In long terms like 3 years or more, it would be good. 10 Marla size is good for investment in non-possession sectors.

If you need construction and interior designing services then AmerAdnan Associates is a good option for you. We have a wide range of design and material to work for you. You will really like the construction that we have done before. You can see our sample work by visiting

It will take 3 years at-least for possession and 5 years to get a descent population there… Better invest in phase 8 now

10 marla Plots with possession in Sector A are also very good option for investment of 3 years time frame.


Dear, 10 Marla Plots in Block A,B.

If you could kindly share the prices of 10 marla plots in block A with posession

corner and park facing

thank you all

Amran sb..Sir if you want to buy a enclave,you can contact me at 03455370978.

Btw category 10 marla plots vary from 80 to 100 lacs in A block.

Can anyone tell me when will the possession for Bahria enclave Sector be announced?

Thank you in advance

Saadi Bhai is right. A Block corner and park facing must be for 10 million or even a bit more.

Ramzan, Which sector do you want to know about?

I think its a very long term project at a very high cost. Getting a plot in 10- 8 lac means 1 million a marla, its ridiculous. If at all some in is willing to spend 1 million a marla, then i think he should buy in UK, USA or dubai, he might get nationality as well…kidding lols.

1 million a marla is not an unprecedented price in Islamabad. Just in the vicinity Park Enclave has 1 million a marla price; lets not even go to CDA sectors like D/E. You could count 10 million for a 10 marla plots on fingers–most of them are below 8 million in A block. If one considers C block, its ~6.5 million and near possession. Beyond C, plots are even cheaper. However a friend just came back from Pakistan and mentioned that the best place to live in Islamabad will be BE by western standards while the next best is DHA. CDA is crap!

Measuring property price on per Marla basis isn't a good option. Normal properties in Islamabad main sectors are well above 2-4 Million a Marla. So what?

A Marla is 272 sq ft by the way.

@Isloo: Ramzan is asking for possession in B sector. B is also good and i think possession is starting from this month therefore also good for short term investment

I nod in yes for Bahria Enclave I

When is possession expected in sector C1…and does anyone have a map handy?

Investment in A sector is a good option

@Khan007. C1 possession is given. Vertex is building 10 or 20 villas in C1. Some areas in C1 probably might not been given possession but mostly it is given.

One of the 60 Feet street plot was selling for 75 few days back.

By the way, I really liked C1 having good height.

Thanks BR Malik … That is great that possession is being given… I will check it out soon…