I required suggestion I wanted to invest 10-11 (not more then that) in any place in RWP for 2 years or so.
In my budget I think DHA Valley is 5 Marla is the option on the other hand Dhamial area also comes in that budget.
I want safe investment in terms of 2 numbari.
You suggestion requested.
Dear Shahzad,
Be careful to invest in Dhamial Area because of Qabza group,
Dha valley is good and safe for long term investment,other hand if you can raise your budget up to 1.4 then TOP CITY is also good.
May Allah Lead You To Success.
DHA Valley.
Bro thanx for assistance. I am also more interested for Dha valley rest my budget constraints restricting me for Top City but surely I ll see top city.
Dear Shahzad DHA valley was a good project but spoiled by the big giants. So future is uncertain millions of Rupees have stuck in this project. After ten years or more nobody knows the future. It s a long long term investment DHA and bahria are not paying attention because of their rift and if situation remains same no one can predict about its future even after ten more years. You can read lots of thread about valley in this forum which will help to decide. So decide wisely as it’s your hard earned money. If one compare top city with prevailing state of valley top city has an edge because of its location being adjacent to new airport. However top city management has done nothing substantially on development rather mere relying on new airport. I would once again emphasise on wise decision based on visit of the site and ground reality.
I totally agree with AppCake.
You can also consider ministry of commerce…but it is also a long term investment
Multi resedencia 8 marla file cost you 1.2-1.3 million its also good option secondly go for PECHS 5 marla installment plan in k and M block best try to get Multi residencia thanks
Go for jkchs adjacent to gulberg in zone 5 as gulberg price for 7 Marla in developed sectors is above 20 to 24 for sure ur investment will double as it is still very cheap.
I agreed with App Cake and Junaid Mirza.
You may consider gulberg 7 marla plot with remaining installments which is not much per month and you can get one under 10 lac.
Pls elaborate more about Gulberg plot total price, instalment, and block etc.
@ imran ,and other experts,
is it possible to pay 10 or 11 lacks in gulberg and pay remaining in installments
please i need one such investment for my sister ..
Dear Imran,
Can you share complete detail about Gulberg 7 marla?
Well i think if u can increase your budget by 2-3 lac , you may get a 10 marla plot in TOP CITY, which is having a very good future.
Bro I increased my budget to 18 lacs and visited top city, Airport enclave , AWT , Engineering cooperative society D-18, F17 and PAF Tarnol
Finally after looking development facilities in all societies. I came to conclusion tht bet society in terms of building home aftrt 3-4 years r safe investment point of view PAf Trnol was better. 300 plus houses werw built and its near to airport and safe investment. Plot im main E block where houses are thr prices are 3 million.
Anyhow suggestions and advice requested
I did two weeks survey …went to each society and met different property dealers…called owners directly who having plots and then compared prices and accessed value of PAF Tarnol.
Did you check E18 (Gulshan-e-Sehat)? Decent development standards at reasonable price.
It's very near to PAF Tarnol.
Yes i also checked E18 but havn't checked the prices of E18, but development in PAF Tarnol was much more then E18.
Anyhow what are the prices of E18?
30x60 is around 10-11 Lakh
35x80 is around 15 Lakh
You can get a 50x90 (Kanal) plot in F-Block for around 2.4-2.5 Million