Investing in islamabad

I want to invest 50 lakh rupees in islamabad by buying a plot that could give me good returns within 3-4 years. Kindly advise where to buy a plot.

Dha phase 2 sector N 10 marla will be a good option in this budget.

Agree at the moment Dha phase2 is better option.


Respectfully, I would disagree with my friends here. Do Not invest in DHA-II Extension blocks at this point. 6th allotment letter has been issued to current allot-tees but still no possession in sight.

Stick to the possession area on the west side of Islamabad Highway which does offer 5 marla and 10 marla as well.

Sir its not extension…its part of proper dha…i dont recommend extension to anyone.

Proper dha phase2 not Dha phase2 Ext.


Proper DHA-2 with possession is located on both sides of Islamabad highway. If you are facing Rawat, then sectors A to J are on your right while sectors K to P are on left side. Sectors K to M are fully in possession while N is partially in possession. P is so far without possession. K to P are not DHA-2 extension; these sectors are proper DHA-2. Extension is located behind and quite far from sectors K to P.

Welldone Paki-1 for detailed explanation on Dha phase2.



Paki-1 Sb. If you are not misleading here, I have one file for left side Block L, can you help me get the possession? As you clearly know something that DHA office doesn’t even know.

No I don’t know any secrets. You have to get possession yourself.

E-12 me 25x50 size ka plot le lo

Paki-1 Sb. With all due respect, why did you make a false statement above and mislead everyone about possession area? I am owner there and still waiting for possession. Know this place very well when it was not even taken over by DHA. I can even tell you every ditch that they filled up to make plots.

Allah ka Khauf karo musalmano aur property such bol kar beecha karo.