Manana Isloo one and the only one and sohail khan sahibans.... Actually the market was made still by the chinese or wuhan virus and was struggling in the production line but Thanks to the omnipotent things are getting better and the real gleam of hope is the grace of Almighty and then the vaccine to contain the chinese virus...... I wish the chinese had not manipulated with virus data so the world would have been in better position........ I had dumped my buck in B 17 F and university town commercials last year..... B 17 F markaz commercial proved to be great for me regarding return point of view while university town decision proved to be crap for a while......
:) as far kafir baba ji is concerned so he advised me while coughing due to Chinese virus.... " Lad, Buy when no one is buying"...... Learning different languages is a great skill.....
Ov kana Sohail Khana wroora, Isloo 1 is our all seasons man.... He is emotional and cool at times but got pure heart as per my experience...... His postive notes are really encouraging