Is i-12 good for investment? I have an offer from a property dealer who said i should pay him 800k now, and 800 after possession of land when its done after about 3 months, size of plot is 25x50sq. Is it good deal?
According to CDA, development work is going to start now. I talked to an estate agent yesterday who deals in I-12 and according to him development work has been started already. Right now prices are going up. Yesterday I was told 30X60 for around 37 lac and 25x50 around 25 lac. One of fmy friend told me that I-12 location is like a flith depot because garbage has been dumped there from all over Islamabad. So the whole sector is durty and smelly.
Oh, Thanks malik sb, how about purchasing the files which is without any possession?
Malik Sb do you know the prices of a 25x50 plot on main NUST road? What would be the time required for handing over possession and expected price at possession time??
Which sub sector is affected by garbage dump and will CDA remove the dump from here during development??
Many thanks..
I think a deal which is done on cash and you get the plot transferred on your name is the safest deal.
Its not a good deal kamal, Aik hat do aik hath loo , complete deal in one go.
What would be the impact of E-12 villagers allotment into I-12? Is it good time to invest in I-12?
Recently CDA sold a lots of Commercial plots in I-12 with huge advertisement which also have a good impact on this sector.
Somebody said its location is very good because of easy access to pindi.
What is expert opinion?