For those who have just joined property market as an estate agent, could you people suggest some ways for finding more clients and convincing them to buy certain properties?
Honesty is the best policy.
Long term success lies in honesty. Be honest in the dealing.
Okay, that’s well said. How to increase PR among property investors?
Please do MBA MARKETING as you are asking questions related to marketers technique
Some times Honesty not works … In real estate market … First of all do reference marketing for example Build your PR in public and Market … And run social media and Internet compain
Well without honesty you can not think of success in any business on long run. As Mian Aslam said, PR, media compaign, clever marketing etc are essential ingredients of success. I'll add a hard work, keeping you eyes and ears open all the time, right decsion at right time.
To attrcat investors, you need to go to them, show them the real picture, listen and feel them. "Go to GEMBA"
As dialog this looks good when market has dummy prices and offers how you works ???
It requires time, be honest, guide properly and positively, clients/investors are not made over night. You need to build trust. Then comes a time people come to you by themselves.
You have asked very good question how to increase PR in investors?I agreed with honesty,trust etc but you need be strong enough (in term of money) to be papular among investors.Money makes money Simple no money no honey
Im still thinking about getting into real estate business as a broker…any tips?
Thank you everyone, you have been of great help.
Being a female, I always thought that some deals are meant only for guys, such as property dealing but i was surprised to know that some female estate agents have also ventured this field.
Do you guys think women can excel in this field?
Would you like your real estate investment deal be materialized through a female?
If there is any female estate agent active on this forum, she should share her views here.
Traditionally property dealing has not been a female area but as we see, in today's world women are coming in almost every field and they are proving that they can do with same quality (if not better) as men do. I think (educated) women should come in this area, they will see great response, particulary from female investors.
Personally for me, it doesn't matter if my property dealer is a male or female as far as he/she is honest and posses right competence.
Well the question is WHY NOT…if females can do so many other things much tougher than this…y not realestate… Goodluck and im still waiting for the answer to my request…
Yes, females can excel and can do good in this field, their are already many females in this field, In Pakistan they have started showing interest but in Europe, we see more female brokers, estate agents on Estate Brokerage than men.
Hey Rizwan,
This post is entirely about helping the newbie become a proficient agent. If you want to know the actually procedure of becoming an agent, i am not sure if there is any. I think all you need to do is find some established agent who is willing to offer you desk in his office.
Nasir would you trust a female agent with your investment?
Do you think women can make good judgement in terms of investment and its protection?
Would she be able to survive the typical property market environment, which is ruled by conventional men with limited education and a lot of stereotype thinking?
Please pardon me readers, I know all of you are decent educated guys with oodles of information and expertise on real estate as well as utter respect for women and their rights. I am talking about the overall sector.
Yes, Women can do it. If you look at good property dealing office they have multiple people working in it. Every one have differen task to do. Few are field workers. Some of them have good dealing tacticts, doing cordination between sellers and purchasers.
Women could become good prperty coordinator. And she should work in a team rather indvidually.
Samra, yes i will trust a female, why not ?
And the deals we make or the investment portfolios we manage are not rocket science, they are forecasted depending on the location, environment, currenty fluctuations and the developer plus the repute of the sector/society.
It depends on what she has to offer, the deal basically, if the deal is good, one will do it certainly.
Even if she is not able to survive in the market, one can help her.