House in/near Islamabad


  • Looking for recommendations for a house around the 1crore mark. 5 Marla.

  • Ideally in a gated secure community

  • Dont mind new areas but should be in an area where there is some demand for rental as it will be let out for first x years before moving in.

  • Also after recommendations for reputable agents who manage rent on your behalf as I am overseas.

Many thanks.

Hello Mohamed,

Can this house be single storey? because I think you can find many houses under 1 crore but they will be single storey. The 5-marla houses in good societies are now 1.5 crores or more. There is an ongoing price hike underway.

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Salam Mr Mohamed,
This is Ayaz Rahim from Meezban Real Estate & Builders. I have many options for you as they will fullfill your mentioned criteria. You can contact me on;
Email: meezban.ayaz@gmail,.com
Cell: 03325229788
Always there to Assist you as we provide All Kind of Services, Real Estate and Construction Consultancy is also a part of it so we have surveys available so the Data talks itself.

                                      Ayaz ur Rahim

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bro look for airport housing soceity …


request to Admin. kindly block or remove this Meezban.ayaz as the whole page he has taken for unecessary marketing tactic . it is very anoyying to see the whole page with his ad


Admin sasta nashta ker k soya howa hai

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jee Aap sahee keh rahain hain