House in islamabad. Budget 4 crore.

Want to buy a 14 marla house because 1 kanal houses in developed sectors of islamabad start from 5.5 crore (out of budget)

Options are g-11 and i-8

How do u compare these two sectors? Which one is considered comparitively better for living?

I would always prefer I-8 since its almost now centre of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. It has better markaz and medical facilities.

Without a doubt I-8. Very good location as touches both pindi and islamabad. Is almost in the centre of islamabad. High standard of living except for I-8/1 and 4 (to some extent). Water issue is a big problem in I-8.

G-11 also has water issue. Unproportionate development with 4 marla till 14 marla houses scattered around. Shabby and close to Mira Abadi so there are security issues around.

in my opinion you can easily find a decent house in I-8 but it will take a long time to find a good house in G-11 mainly due to the location cum development turnoff and quality of construction. If you visit the place you will understand what i mean.

Talha. Try your luck in E-11 too.

Dear Talha:

In my personal view I-8 is far better than G-11....

I agree with Malick, E-11 is also very good sector for good living...


Frankly I could never justify 4 crors for a gloomy and dead sector filled with retired govt servants, called I-8. Neither could I like E-11 (except E-11/3, of course) even at times when plots were street cheap.

But still, if you want to live in zone 1 then I-8 and E-11 are the only two options that fit your budget, otherwise there are unlimited possibilities in zones 2, 4 and 5 depending what's your preference.

It’s strange that one has 40 Million budget and it’s difficult to find a decent house.

:slight_smile: Malik sb, absolutely.

Try G-9-3 streets to metro bus

you could get 14 marla for max 3.5 crores.....if required spend couple of million as per your taste and you will love it....5 minutes drive to centaurs, F-10 , jinnah super , blue area, F-9 park etc etc

beautiful wide streets with lively educated famiilies mostly residing since 70s water issue at all.....

Last week, a 500 Yard new house in E-11 sold out for 77.5 Million. Even that house was with half basement.

I-8 is situated near Pindi and Industrial area, nearest sectors are I-9 , I-10 etc.

G-9, G-10 , G-11 good location houses are much better than I-8.

G series is comparatively close to Margalla Hills. Nearest sectors are F-9 Park, F-10, F-11 .

E-11 Multi area is also good.

Mian Nadeem

One can have two pair 500 yard plot in Enclave and can make good house on one plot in such budget. Other plot can be used as lawn. I know a family who sold their house in E-11 and now making house on 1000 Yard corner and dead-end plot in Enclave.

Bahria Town and DHA will have much better options in this budget.

Can you give more info on the house sold in e-ll please

six, street, location


E-11/4, Main Double Road. Very good design though with a small basement only.

You can try a 40x80 house in G-10/2 &3 as well, there might be some good options close to your budget.

I am doing business in E-11 (Multi portion), I can fetch you the best thing in your budget.

Do not ignore E-11 for the potential increment is very high and on the rising side out there

For further guidance, please contact on 0332-4448288

Mohsin Shoaib Awan