Help Required On Understanding Files!

I have just started to review my files, which I purchased over the years. Some obtain plot numbers and some are just transfer letters with receipts that show they are all dues clear.

Can anyone advise me what is the difference between having plot numbers and if i don't have plot number how would i apply for it.

Is it necessary to have a plot number or will the society just allot me anything or can I choose?

Which society files you have?

i think if you don't have plot numbers it means the map has not been issued of that society so it is just land where you do not know the location of your plot. You cannot apply i think as it is the society duty to acknowledge plot number to your file and if they do they will contact you to apply if it is a reputed society.

I have bought a all dues clear plot in gulberg islamabad and i got only transfer letter having my photograph with reference number, block number and ten rupee note on it while plot number is not mentioned. I want to know whether its a file or its a plot?

its my ist purchase ever?

A.Q. Kashmiri. Sir you sound like this really spoilt Arab millionaire throwing his money around without checking! LOL! Bhai jab pata nahi ke kya hota hai to le kyun lein files?! Anyway, I agree with Arshad, if these are old files and society is developed, you should have been allotted plot number by now.

Sana yours is more of a plot than a file i think as you have all dues cleared. I think it is non possession plot maybe.

Its better you go to gulberg and ask for possession time. In such societies transfer letters are those equivalent to allotment letters in CDA.

Dear respected brothers,

Firstly thank you for your quick responses. These are files developed on non developed societies like JKCHS F-16, Zone V, mainly long term investments. I have obtained old files where it was cheaper than the market rate. I have checked the current rate and I am not making a loss nor profit so I suppose its like having money in the bank!

Maps are issued, development work is on going but stops and starts in some societies.

In addition I was told that plot numbers can be allotted if all dues are clear. When I purchased these files some were not all dues clear and I have to complete this at society office when transferred.

Some plot numbers have been allotted but some have not in the society so its not only me that hasn't been allotted with a plot number. Should I be worried?

If you mention the name of societies and sector or block, then you can get precise answers.

I would advise, first always go and check the status of society from multiple sources, then invest.

Firstly, these files are v risky, where you have not plot numbers.

Secondly, if society is reputed, then they allot numbers after short time if all dues are clear.

So you have to check file by file.

F-16 JKHS map available and plot numbers are allotted.

Gulberge Residencia have some files without plot numbers and may be alloted in short time.

I have an offer of open transfer file for gulberg greens, is it safe that i will get plot in near future?

How about an open file in gulburg greens all dues cleared, when it is expected to get the plot number any time frame?