Actually I am quite surprised as to why I have not gotten any replies because honestly speaking, we all have a story or two to share regarding dear, dear patwari brothers.
I can share a lot of stories actually but I will start with one particular incident. The father of friend of mine bought 1 kanal land in Model Town back in the 1980s from their neighbours. Back then, you know how simple things were? Neighbours were nice, children used to respect their elders, only the rich of the rich had cars, not many televisions and so on and so forth. So it is a story of the good old days when white was whiter than the white. ;) Because the two families went along so well, nobody really felt the need of transferring the property on their name and so they never bothered with it but made the payment nonetheless and that was that.
Come 2010s and suddenly they realized the need of having papers for the property so they got hold of this patwari in this area and the game began. It was such a simple thing to get all the paperwork completed and get it all over with but the dear old patwari made them come and go back and forth so many times that in the end they just got sick of it. That's when the patwari spelled out his condition for the task; money of course. He made them pay Rs 400,000 for a piece of paper for 1 kanal land which cost them around the same money back in the 80s.
That's but one of the incidents. Now you share your stories. :)