H-13 apartments

Dear all

Several apartments projects in h-13 have started in front of nust university, in the last couple of years. I understand cda declared these to be illegal, however construction is in full swing.
I like to get an idea from respected forum members what they think would be the future of these projects in the next 2-3 years. Can anyone share some advice on buying one of these.

Yeh sab dead maal hay bhai.

No future.

Bahria main apartment lay lo.

Anyone else, please!!

Apartments are expensive there and you know promises are usually not kept in Pakistan for handing over posession.

Better buy a plot behind those apartments which will give you better profit ISA. It is legal registry land and can be transferred in F-8 Katchery. Prices are from 5lacs onwards per marla. You can send me email on ehsanuk@hotmail.com if you need further assistance.

Better to buy PHA ones if you are really into apartments in the vicinity of islamabad

Thanks everyone.

Appreciate you input.

I was attracted only because of it's location - front of NUST, across G-13 and easy access from Kashmir highway.


I think it's risky investment so go to Pha apartments or E-11 or Bahria 1 to 6.


Thanks everyone.
