Hi experts. My budget is 5 million. I want to get a 7 marla or 10 marla in gulberg residencia.
I am planning on constructing in 4-5 years time.
Can you please suggest what the best block would be, especially for personal living.
Thank you!
Waleed sb
Better go around the D commercial. Here block A and B are located, partially developed and A executive non develop plots fall in your range. A and B prices are almost equal of a 7 marla plot.
Never invest in V block as it is under legislation.
Far located blocks also come in your range but better settle around D commercial.
Developed plots even in far located places are priced more than one crore for a 10 marla.
This is as per my short visit but better see the locations and decide.
B block is full of litigation, don't buy in B. In gulberg residencia only buy developed plots and not take risk of non developed/non possession plots thinking that in near future it may be developed.
People are stuck in non develped plots since 15 years and even more and there is no sign of development in near furture.
Check this link for analysis.
Thanks Tahir sb
My point was only for the clear plots which have been developed and I used word " partially developed" about A and B.
Anyways, as I said, buyer must visit and see on ground situation.
What is the seniors opinion about H block?
Nawaz SB
H block is also little developed but near to the main commercial. I have seen few houses constructed. 10 marla near to commercial costs more than 1 crore 10 lacs. Non-developed plot to be avoided...only go for ready to construction plots which are few. Some small size plots are also developed and ready for construction, costing up to 55 lacs. Overall H block is mostly undeveloped.
Thanks qayyum sahib. Great help and advice.
Abdul Qayyum sb, what are your thoughts on L block ? is this any good?
Residentia sector L:
9 km from IH. 60% developed. Main access still not metalled. Gulberg 2nd underpass is ongoing. L location is between 2 main commercials and good for future investment as after linking both commercials, the value will appreciate. Plot sizes...7, 10 and 12 marlas.
General observation...Plot prices have already been appreciated and though some houses could be seen but will take time b4 L is fully done...40% still not possessed and is likely under litigation...IB is closing lips on giving reasons.
L is only good for developed plots.
Gulberg location is the best among all in the zone and post 2nd underpass done, will see rush in plot demand, IB is very slow in developing, though
Dear AQ sb plz can i hv ur whtsapp nmbr need advise on a deal in bahria p8 my whtsap is 00971557760342
Dear AQ sahib
Where is this second underpass, the one near to the previous one on expressway
What are your views on T block of residentia
Luqman sb
I am in Lahore and will contact you once back home In Shaa Allah.
Rizwan sb
The built underpass towards Green was narrow and now being doubled.