Good News... Haji Complex Road For Islamabad Airport Tender Cancellation

Good news for all investors of Top City, The Haji Complex route is cancelled, tender cancellation will be in newspapers very soon.

It is a confirmed news, so hold on your plots in Top City, good days are not that far.

Kashmir Highway route which passes through Top City is finalised.

If that be so, Mumtaz City, Top City, PECHS & others should negotiate the new excess interchange keeping in view the previous arrangements reached with NHA, which I am sure must be intact. A joint action plan should be reached candidly whereby the Link Roads are constructed from this Access Road to the New Airport for Islamabad and Motorway to Lahore & Peshawar leaving space for the pending Rawalpindi Ring Road in quick time with access available to these projects for a smooth traffic flow. Possibility of Metro route should also be explored.

Very bad.very bad. Top city gave huge amount of money to hamza shahbaz.

Whatever the scenario is, it is good for Top city investors,

plus, the tender cancellation is on NHA website as well.

Is this new route will. Pass through I 16


Old route which is cancelled was passing through I 16

Plz clarify



New route will not pass through I-16.

Ok thanks ALLAH I have sold my plot in I16/2 on spate of rumours of road passing through I 16. On higher prices and expecting that prices will now come down after the above mentioned news by nasir of cancellation of route through I 16



Great news Nasir bhai for TOP CITY Investors. But i am really feeling sorry for the Haji Camp route affectees though i repeatedly informed them on an other thread of urs to switch their investment to TopCity. May ALLAH do the best for all.

Well brother I-14-16 route is already cancelled, you may check it on NHA website.