Good news! DHA-1 extension: DHA acquires 3500 kanal lands near BT phase-8

DHA has succeeded, signed and acquired 3500 kanal land regarding phase-1 extension. The location of land is almost in front of BT phase-8 sector A & L.

Another good news: Development of dha-2 extension is confirmed at higher pace under the heavy pressure of army and malik riaz is now singing army/dha music like a canary.

Many thanks Abdul Qayyum sab for share good news.It's really good news especially for Dha phase2 Ext investors.


What is the price of a 1 kanal plot in Dha phase2 Ext and what do you think how many years it will take to get possessions and be livable?


Price is location wise but there has been hike this week and I think it is just artificial. Development is now very well visible and I think will go even faster......we shall pray for Gen Rahil.

It is all investment, sir, living is very far!

Possession is very different phenomenon in need to go to location and witness that nobody is busting the contractor's need to sit with development field working guys....then you come to know the possession status...calling call centers, dealers! most of them tell you crap. The office guys can ONLY tell you from papers and those papers are given to them...they never go see the field stuff!

@Thanks Nadeem sahab, it seems DHA investors finally becoming able to see a light from other side of the tunnel....

Good news Abdul Qayyum sb for the DHA investors....... I hope the news is authentic...


Best option for investment comparing DHA1 extension and DHA2 extension is?? and which sector?


I believe DHA-I extension is now called DHA phase 4, where development is already well underway.

@Mr Khan Sahab

The informer guy is personally involved in the deal.

Of course there is nothing like concrete when it comes to Pak Realestate matters as there are " after-deal" matters. However one thing is visible, sir, DHA is cutting the Eucalyptus trees.Think of BT/GC wedding, I received letter for instalments payments from DHA and there are still shadows all around?

Rest Allah Pak Knows All

Abdul Qayyum Sb, thanks, my best wishes are with you and all other associated people in this project. I hope the things go well and the long awaited project gets completed as soon as possible.


What is price of dha 2 ext sector c all paid plz.

should i keep it ?

In my opinion DHA 4 ( previuosly called phase 1 ext) has a great future for many logical reasons. Its very very rare that a new phase / project is launched very close to populated areas. Usually dha / bahria look for dirt cheap land for new projects and the only way to get dirt cheap land is if it is located far away from population. They get the cheap land, develop it and then with the passage of time, the area get populated. If i am not exxagerating, at times it takes two decades to get the area populated. In case of phase 4, it is already in between well populated areas. At the nort, it is adjascent to dha 1, i mean literally touching it. At the right side it is touching askari 14 , gulshan abad and adiala road… On the left side, across the swan river, it runs parallel to bahria phase 7 and 8 ( there will an enterance from sector H of bahria phase 8 to dha 4). And the icing on the cake is , that the planned rawalpindi ring road will go through the M and L blocks of dha 4. If any one gets a chance to visit the development, it is on a very fast pace and NLC is doing it / supervising itself. They r not doing the leveling and feeling like bahria does. Instead they are maintaining the natural topography to the maximum level. Senior gurus please correct me if i m wrong but i just passed on to u guys what i have seen with naked eyes.

Tariq Sahab

Your point is fully justified as most importantly Adiala road is going to be connected to the rest of the world. DHA is going to see its prime time. Bad days are In Shaa Allah over. Let us hope that the unfinished bridge between BT n Adiala road gets out of the litigation

@abdul qayum bhai what is this adiala bridge ?? from where is will connect to adiala road??

i do believe that circle including H,I,A,B,L block of phase 8 and dha 4 will be the hottest place to invest

What are the prices of 1 kanal plots in dha 4 and where can we buy a file from

Asad Sahab

This bridge is partially done. The pillars are there. The fact that presently Adiala is connected to most part of Pindi through "galies n koochas", better still through the people's back yards mafia took over and put forward the villagers. MR abandoned the further construction. The good news is that DHA took 1000s Kanals of land and we could see this bridge In Shaa Allah

Adiala connection to Islamabad thru BT will be big big!

Abdul Qayyum sb the way I look at it - this overall DHA 4 progression is going to lift Bahria phase 7 and 8 again. Reason being it is almost the same area - and the "Delta/Difference" in prices would not sustain.

BTW do you have an email address you can share - I would like to get in touch.

@abdul qayum sahb what exactly this mafia is ?? who are these people and what do they want ??

indeed adiala bridge and garden city road completion will be big boost for phase in future

@Asad Sahab

Before you read my comment further please visit:

Mafia in twin cities comes in different flavours:

BT Enclave: Think Ch bros: Think how much protocol they use to have when in power but they would sit in " dhotees" all day and get "shimlaat" land from the scattered land owners and they did this for weeks. MR announced enclave-2 location but then new govt came and the man " mentioned in the shortcut above" changed the whole scene.

Enclave-2 now in history!

Garden City 500 meter access from GT road which would reduce BT from 18 km to just 3.5 km:

Here there are Barees and co who are demanding money proportional to the its worth and MR once took over posession but then again the same mafia right in between ......

BT access to Adiala road through sawan bridge:

Here different parties in actions but MR still not successful. Now DHA acquired 3500'Kanal land and In Shaa Alla we will the bridge. I will tell you later that this land is given to DHA BY WHOM. I think frm MR but not clear to me yet?

MR star man was Taji Khokhar who in jail by the way. He is less than 5 ft guy but used to have 10 ft height gang of pathens and having lions and bears in his house. Those animals were fed on " good proteins" . This Taji guy did so many jobs for MR. Now Haji Nawaz Khokhar with him but much successful as compared to his cousin Taji.

Zone-2: There was warm news once about a huge project but then MR was made to run Karachi as was almost handcuffed in the twin cities.

Now He has done very smart thing as sourronded himself by DHA. Before He did all what He could to down DHA but now He is doing all what He could to get supported by DHA.

Well this is a smart move by MR to keep DHA in his surrounding and getting his work done be thier force . But one thing is confusing , why is he slow in developing non posession blocks of phase 8 and extension and phase 9 ??he should be fast to give possesions in N,M,G,L block. He has resources, land but no signs of development

Dear abdul qayyum sahab.

Please elaborate more on DHA 2 extension. When one can expect development and is it worth to purchase plot in extension with good returns in 2 to 3 years time?

Also there will be reballot for extension or DHA is planing to go ahead with previous blocks from A to T.