This thread is to discuss three important asset classes and members comments on the relationship and effect on each other.
Dear Sayeen,
Don't you think the market has not seen any substantial correction for quite some time and valuation overall on the higher side, even if we ignore economic and political scenario I think even the technicals might suggest that a correction might be around the corner. What's your take.
And any substantial correction could potentially channel funds towards real estate; gold is more of an international phenomenon so gold will primary depend on numbers in the US and demand in China and India.
Lagts hai sayein abhi hi leaves pay chalay gaye hein:-)
Salam bhayo,
This is a good step that we made a dedicated forum to discuss markets.
I appreciate syyed bhai for taking this initiative.
I would love to discuss it.
first syed and shehzad, please tell me what part of world are you in and what stock market (kse, london, japan etc) you have access to?
Syed bhai, I like your first paragraph. 2nd paragraph is debateable.
I dont have any interest in stock exchange sayein saab...just want your information and expert comments on the US dollar...i asked you in the other thread also..well just want to know what are your predictions regarding dollar hike...and how long will it take
Shehzad bhai,
salam ka jawab dena her musalmaan per wajib hey.
as I mentioned there, per my analysis, us dollar is going to shootup, ia.
I think I recommended buying it on thursday or so by 11 am.
so plz monitor how the dollar is going to do next week.
WALAAIKUM AS SALAM sayein bhai…will surely follow the dollar
W.salam, Property and gold are better to invest in… We can’t rely on stock market as fluctuations are high in stock market due to macro factors…!!
I somewhat agree with Ali. Yes the fluctuation is quite high in stocks. Without sstops I would never recommend anyone to trade in stocks.
I disagree with gold realation.
In property business ,one can loose sometimes, not always, and the loss can reach max 25-40 %,, BUT profit can hit sometimes 100-300 % provided you play it in time and your decisions are well planned
In gold the rule is the same but less risk for more loss ,,and good profits in long run,
In stock exchange you can become rich overnight , BUT you can also become beggar over night,, IN MY OPINION STOCK EXCHANGE HAS BECOME A CASINO
Based on the little experience I have It's not easy to get rich over night in stocks and similarly losses are also not as drastic. In the long run stocks are as good as property and might actually be more profitable but it requires a lot of patience and good skill and advice.
Short term speculative trading even in propery has and can ruin people. Gold is more of hedge against detroriation of value and is a good place to put money in desperate times and depression. But at the moment gold is already out of it's twelve year rally which started in early 2000s and might not be a very profitable investment in the long run.