Since airport will have more then one access to airport that includes link from thalian interchange as will. There will be people which opt for the route from girja road and it will increase if road condition,and security situation get improve and there will be range road as well.
There is no proper society on girja road and couple of them on chakri road, apart from that what can be strategy to invest in these roads as they will get attention and there are already many small villages all the way.
Should it be like buying a commercial/semi commercial plot and construct small plaza then resale?
Yes the Govt is now treating Kashmir Highway the primary route and it has said Thallian route will be made for cargo transportation. This will be done by new road on or near Girja Road.
To avail of this benefit, best investment opportunities are offered by Foechs and CBR-2.
@Paki-1. Sir what is your opinion about Kashmir Model Town on chakri road, which is project of JKCHS? Plots over there are ridiculously cheap right now, so do you think it can be a good option for next 3-4 years? Thx.
ZG i could not find the location on google map…Can you please explain where it’s located on chakri road?
Dear Waqas,
It's between Kohala and Maira opposite of new(future) Fatima Jinnah Women University and this project since 90s no development since long time.Alharam city is better than this project because phase1 is fully possession.Access is big issue because main chakri road is in bad condition when it will double or new link road then it will be good investment.
Dear waqas
Lands around airport in mouza thallian and katarian are most demanding lands. From ministers to ordinary investors all are holding there lands in these two mouza jaats.
Waqas sb it is actually just opposite Al Haram City on chakri road. Some work has been done on site and the streets have been developed. I have not visited it myself yet but seen some recent pictures with a dealer. Since it is associated with the JKCHS brand which also has a large dealer network I personally favor it over Al Haram although as Nadeem sb pointed out, Al haram is more developed.
I saw map of proposed Rawalpindi ring road project when it was being tendered last time, from rawat to thalian. The road has a proposed interchange just next to Fatima Jinnah new campus, hardly half kilometers from Kashmir Model town.
Dear DG,
I visited myself and conform Alharam City is better than Kashmir Model Town and both are good for long term investment.
Agree with Ch Shahid that mouza thallian is much better than these two locations as per Airport concerned.
Have they got an interchange at Thallian or it is planned?
Thalian interchange already on ground…