General Investment advice required

Well I am in a state of indecision here and thought fellow forum members could help me out, so here is my situation.

I have a certain amount of money available presently for investment, around 10,000 pounds. I was planning to buy some more property with it. However, recently i have been approached by a close friend of mine from uk who is opening a new franchise outlet of a well known brand in london. He requires some capital investment for which he has requested me. On the 10k, he is offering a profit in the range of 8-10%, which will be paid with original investment in 6 months, all in pounds.

This being a property forum, the logical suggestion from everyone should be property! But on fair analysis, which of the two seems like a better option? I need to make a decision on this weekend. Thanks.

Sir it depends upon how much close is he and how close is your friendship with him??My suggestion would be to invest it in property and not anywhere else…Because i have seen many frauds in such deals in pakistan …But i will again say that it all depends upon you…OK istikhara can be another option if you are confused…

Thanks Saadi sb. I have lended him smaller amounts in the past which he always paid back, and on time. This time the rate being offered is really good so its got me thinking, specially in comparison to property. I think your idea is right, I will try istikhara. Thanks.