G-15 Vs F-17 Vs B-17

I am looking to buy a developed plot in Zone 2, Islamabad for future investment.

I am considering G-15, F-17, B-17. Which one you guys think would be a good investment in the short and long term?

Also is it true that prices in G-15 will come close to the prices of G-13/G-14 eventually, though its maintained by Jammu Kashmir Society?

Thank you.

B-17 and G-15 are both very good investments for the long term.

G-15 will always be cheaper than G-13 but they will both rise in price when there is an upswing. Also when G-15 gets access on Kashmir Highway, there will be a good jump in its price inshaAllah. Then G-15 residents can avoid GT road when going to Islamabad main.


All 3 options mentioned by you are equally good...

I would suggest you to buy good location plot in B Block of B-17 and keep it for few years, it will give you good return In Sha Allah.


I am fully agreed with Khan sab,B-17 B block is totally safe and good investment,

i don't know much about G-15 so requested to Pk1 what is the average prices 30/60 or 35/70 in G-15 if possible to share.

Thanks with best regards.


Do visit these sites wherever you are considering to invest. I am also doing my research, based on the guidance of experts over here as well as on ground site visits. My vote is for B17, B block for you at the moment. G15 or G13 are good options too but prices are already very high over there and you get smaller size of plot.

Good luck with your investment!

Nadeem sb…Sir average price n g-15 of a 30x60 plot is 55 lacs…No 35x70…Average price of 40x80 8.2 million approx

Good Suggestions. Yes 30x60 is around 55 to 60 Lacs in G-15.

About G-15, I am getting 3 opinions from people.

Opinion 1: G-15 is a hidden Gem. Ready to go. Right on kashmir Highway. People who cannot afford in G-13/G-14 will right away go to G-15. So their is population trend (not much investor trend).

And so this sector will get a big price jump in future, maybe like Up to 80% of G-13 price in next 4-5 years. It looks a little ugly but once 100% houses are built, the sector will look nicer.

Opinion 2: G-15 is not a CDA sector and the party is not good. Its a Jammu Kashmir society sector which is poorly maintained and so this sector will always be ugly and thus will never attract general population and so prices will always be low. So location is good but Town planning/standards will always be low.

Opinion 3: G-15 is poorly developed by Jammu kashmir society who has poor standards etc. But since the location is super good and everything goes up in Islamabad. This sector will also get to the 80% price of G-13 in next 5years.

Can anybody shed some light on G-15? Anybody who has visited the sector physically?

Is it really the next Boom Boom Sector since there is not many options in Zone 1 and this is the next closest sector to zone 1.

Dear Ammad, you have provided very good analysis and info. Syed Ibrahim can shed some light on your questions.

@ Ammad…Sir it will never touch 80% of g-13 prices and that is for sure…Zone 1 is zone 1 and g-15 cannot reach at this level…Ratio will be same like this i.e g-15 will always be 50% of g-13 approx…I do not see it booming like this that it will reach 80% of zone 1 sector…Zone 1 is just enjoying due to its location even with the poor living standards…G-13 and G-14/4 has very very ideal location and prices will increase dramatically here plus it will be managed by cda so it will always have a greater value due to the association of govt owned organization with it,no matter how much pathetic that organization is…Majority of our nation has typical mentality and due to this typical mentality,zone 1 will keep enjoying no matter how much pathetic and poor development standards are…Yes a bit far from islamabad,i am seeing bahria enclave booming very much due to its elite class and development and association of the name of islamabad with it…It gives a sense that you are enjoying the development standards of bahria in the vicinity of islamabad which seems to me a perfect combination…Enclave will attract the elite class of islamabad like earlier phases of bahria and dha attracted but enclave will attract a big chunk of elite awaam…Elite development standards and infrastructure e.g mall of islamabad like things will make it outshine among rest of the residential places…

G-15 is the Corner face of Zone-2. The Big Lion's share from whole Zone-2 will be for this UGLY looking carbon at this time. Who knows well they know what this piece of carbon can turn out to be.

G-15 not taking the edge of corner only. The Development is a bit compromised but the whole terrain is fine, no filling land and pls have a visit yourself, they are carpeting the streets and roads though one should not expect the same standards as of Big brand at the other corner but the Commercial Markaz is offering almost everything for routine life and thus the population is continuously rising.

G-13 had already attain a good height with CDA at behind!

People say that Zone-1 is uptil G-14 but what i proper see Zone-1 is upto G-11 as till G-11 their is interconnection among other posh sectors like G-10 on one side and F-11 on other side with F-10 and other posh sectors you dont need to take Kashmir Highway all the time.

The interconnection works ! whereas the residents of G-13 had to take Kashmir Highway everytime.

One major setback for G-13 is railway line disecting the whole sector right from the middle !


One has to only consider G-14/4. The setback what i see here is its small community feel. The residents are all limited to a small area of G-14/4, the other villages and slum areas touching give it a security concern here !

Both G-13 and G-14 are administrated by CDA, A big Plus or a slight negative ?

Organization technically with huge number of employees and covering the huge area, might sometimes gets lazy in response being a Government Organization !

G-15 is a Cooperative Housing Society with less people and lesser area for administration !

Boom Boom time whenever hits ! the major lion's share will be for G-15.

Mark the words INSHALLAH


@ Is base…Exactly these words were said when g-11 was being developed that islamabad is only upto g-10…So its the old mentality now…G-13 has a very very big plus of location…Whether you want to go to saddar motorway or islamabad,g-13,g-14/4 is the heart…And from g-9,g-10 to saddar,you know very well how much distance one have to cover…Its condition is similar to i-8…One side is near to pindi and other to islamabad.F-11,E-11,D-12,I-8 type sectors are also touching slums but what is their value,you know very well…

Good points to keep in mind.

So far most of people are favoring B17 developed plots vs G15 developed plots.

G15 plus points:

Location and proximity to G13/G14 and natural population trend due to necessities availability etc

G15 negatives:

Poor Town planning/Poor maintenance /Poor developer

B17 plus points:

Great Town planning/Great maintenance /Great developer

B17 Negatives:

Location and proximity to Islamabad. So not much population trend due to lack of necessities. But if they build margalla avenue which may take a few years then there will be no negatives.

Conclusion: B17 has a better future/price growth than G15 and even lets assume that G15 prices go up further, B17 will be following that trend as well.

Makes Sense?

By the way does anybody have a rough idea about a 35x70 plot price in B-17 (B block) and F-17 (any good block). I know G-15 30x60 will cost 60 lacks.

Thank you.

B-17 is the best option available.

Makes Sense !

Its the other corner. The kept going thing with the wave will definitely had impact here, but what i see the Margalla Avenue inflating this baloon more !