G-15 vs Bahria phase3 - best place to construct a house for living

Dear friends, i have budget of 90 lacs (budget can hardly be stretched to 95 lac) and i am planning to buy a plot (30x70 as an ideal size) in islamabad. The purpose of buying a plot is construction of house for personal living. In this budget i may get 8 marla corner best location plot or may possibly get an average 40x80 plot in g-15.

In the same budget i may get 30x70 plot in bahria town phase 3-4.

My thoughts are

G-15/f-15: jkchs is the only society in the zone-2 with a decent population and basic facilities. Markets are functional there. Schools like beacon house, city school, air foundation etc are in the society. Its location is superb and easy access to main islamabad, rawalpindi, hazara is a great plus of the society. Being next to the motorway is also a plus. And after widening of kashmir highway the access to main islamabad becomes much easier.

The issues (turn off) are entrance from gt road, security, water scarcity and low health and playing activities for children. Development standards are not very good.
There is no noc for f-15. G-16 /f-16 are without possession, so leaving only g-15 as a safe place to construct home.

Bahria phase 1-6 (phase 3-4). Bahria has introduced a great vision of modern town development and no doubt bahria is leading in this regard. Phase 1-6 is with possession and healthy life is going on in these sectors. Security, availability of basic facilities, parks and places for healthy activities are present within the town.

The major issue (in my view) is the access and its distance from main islamabad. Daily commuting through islamabad expressway is really hectic. Even after islamabad expressway expansion, the access through pwd will have the same unpleasant effect on mind. The schools are limited in bahria. Possession charges are quit high in bahria. Phase-3 has mostly filling plots and making the basic structure of house requires extra efforts and money (4-5 lacs). Phase 1-6 seems to be ignored from last few months; the maintenance is not considered as satisfactory. The risk of investment is always there with any private town development.

These are simply my thoughts and i may be wrong in my views. I respect the other societies in islamabad as well but not considering them either because of their distance and access from main islamabad or because of their undeveloped-semi developed status. Dear friends and seniors are requested to shed some light on the topic and share ground realities.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
Jazak allah.

Bahria is no doubt muuuuuuuuuch better than G-15 in terms of living.

First where you work. Is it near G-15 or Bahria.

Second how much your pocket allows. Bahria is kind of an expensive place to live especially if you have grown up kids. But it has the benefit of better security, better life, proper provision of gas and electricity.

G-15 has security issues by the way.

Dear Mr. Suleiman,

Arshad bahi is absolutely right.Bahria is Bahria and phase1 to 6 are much better than G-15.No doubt G-15 location is best but can't compare with Bahria which are modern and lifestyle society.In my opinion Bahria is best with all basic facilities and security.Allah knows best.


Dear Arshad and Nadeem Bhai, my proposed work place is F-6 & blue area. My heart start sinking when thinking about daily commute to Islamabad through Islamabad expressway :-D. I had very bad experiences while travelling on Islamabad Expressway especially in rainy season. That is the major turnoff.

Is it safe to pass through PWD in late night timings?

2nd: Would you please explain about the security issues in G-15 ? These issues are more likely to happen in areas near villages (G-16) or whole G-15 is vulnerable to such issues?

Dears I heard that mostly Bahria phase 3 has filling plots. If its true, then please share ground realities and shed some light over it.

Do any one of you have any idea about possession charges and charges for the approval of map for the 10 marla plot in Phase 1-6 and Jkchs?

@ sulieman

if you work in blue area then G-15 has the best location. I once recorded the time it took me to from G-15 to blue area to be 10 min without traffic and 15 minutes with traffic if you take the diversion from Aabpara(before the metro bus construction at Peshawar Mor).

G-15 also has a lot of filling plots by the way. Security wise it is close to tarnol and surrounded by few villages nearby but that does not mean there are issues but is a cause of concern only.

regarding bahria phase 3 what kind of filling are you talking about, half basement, single basement, double basement? you can find all these types in G-15 especially G-15/1 and G-15/2. So if it is half basement filling in bahria then it is not much of a concern as filling it will not cost you more than Rs.5000-8000 on the whole.

if the land maynot be suitable for construction regardless of filling then i am not sure ask an expert to conduct some test.

i don't know about possession charges (if any) but transfer fee of a 40*80 plot in G-15 would cost you around Rs.35000 and 1% WHT on the MV of the plot or 2% if you do not have an NTN.

G-15 is better in location near airport and zone 1 bahria phase 3 is all filling area and costs too much too construct with basement and there engineer and private expenses are too much go for G15 bahria is faraway and not a proper sector of Islamabad pvt society and cooperative society lots of difference…

Transfer fees too much possession fees also very expensive map approval fees 2 lac in bahria phase 3 its not the end make home then many other fees comes in way by the way i have a plot 1469 in phase 3 front open its my brotherly advice dont get trap there G15 is better iam also planning to invest there contact me in message thanks

Junaid bhai kindly tell me about filling plots in bahria. Is it too much filling there like double or triple basement or the land has some issue in itself there.

There are also a lot of filling plots in G-15 some with very little filling to some that need too much of filling. What you have to say to that?

@Mr. Suleiman:

You can also check F-17 MPCHS. Almost every facility is available with good security. Future plan of Govt. Is to expand Fateh Jang road from Tarnol to Fateh Jang. You have the choice to come to Islamabad via G.T road or Motorway.

@ Arshad

Bahria phase-3 has many filling plots. Some plot are half basement to 1 basement down from the road, but this is not natural ground level, this is filling level (Extra soil Filled and compacted by by Bahria). To make the foundation of building, you have to dig down until you reach natural ground level. Then filling level may become 2 basements in some cases.

Could you please explain about filling in G-15? By filling you mean filling on ground level by the society or the plots (natural ground level) are half basement deeper than the road level?

Some one who had the experience to construct a house in Bahria, please do share your experience.

U can also visit margalla town phase 2, CDA sector with posh living …faizabad is 4 km away and abpara market 6km, but u can get 30x50 size plot in 9 million

@ Suleiman

have you visited Bahria 3 by the way and seen those plots yourself which have been compacted by Bahria.

I have visited and seen G-15 many times. As far as i know there is no such artificial filling done by G-15. There are almost many filling areas from 1/2 to 2 basements and almost every 1 out of 3 houses there have basements even on level plots. I think the depression plots are on pure ground with no artificial fillings. There is one more way to check by looking at houses constructed next to that plot or asking them personally about fillings.

but you also have to option to go for level plots as they are also in abundance.

@ Arshad

Yes, I have visited Bahria Phase-3 by myself and seen those plots.

Bahria management has that record of artificial filling, and when you apply for map approval, they set specific quantity of steel and cement for foundation of your plot.

I appreciate the idea of asking the constructed houses next to that plot, that may help a lot.

I also want to highlight one more issue of G-15 regarding access. Indeed if you travel to blue area the location of G-15 is much better but there is risk of traffic jam on G.T.Road towards the point where there is an intersection towards KH. It may sometimes take more than 15 minutes to cross from that point.

My friend who also lives there told me about water that it is in abundance. I am talking about water bore. He told me year round there is no water issue and during summers if one has water bore than there is no issue at all. G-15 has high water bore success rate and the quality of water is also good than most zone 1 sectors like G-14, G-13, G-11 etc.

i also think in terms of investment G-15 is much better as it is cheap, you get a big size plot, room for growth as construction is going on and is not even 50% populated. In the past 6 months an increment of 20-30 lacs has been seen here in 40*80 size plots. New airport and KH extension can further make it a very good sector in terms of location and i also believe it will increase the prices as well.

I wish i could be of any help regarding bahria 3 but i do not have much information on it. I personally do not like Bahria due to location and also its complementary cost which is too expensive. Kindly tell how much are you getting a filling plot of 10 marla there for?

@ Arshad.

Brother, I am really thankful to you for your kind support and sharing such a good information.

I have some information about Bahria but my info about G-15 is very poor. So your valuable comments are very helpful for me.

The abundance of water (water bore)and successful rate of water bore is also good news. Is there any gas issue during winter?

As you are well aware of G-15, which one is the best sub sector for living in your point of view? And what is the price of 40X80 average location plot and street corner 40x80 plot?

Access wise G-15 is perfect. Spending comfortable life somewhere, Bahria Town is perfect.

G-15's access from GT Road is no hassle considering Bahria Town's access.

Schools in G-15 are absolute crap. No health facilities.

Few of my friends live in G-15. Security issues.

Bahria has access issues but family lives happily.

Hey Suleiman, stop being selfish and give your family a decent living standard. Bahria is far ahead than G-15 in this. No doubt G-15 is strategically located, close to all highways and new airport. But you are not talking about setting up a business, it is your house for living, where you would like you and your family to enjoy quality of life and peace of mind. Don't worry about commuting, you won't be alone. There will be thousands others in nearly jammed traffic on Islamabad highway. PWD has become most crowded place with a thriving commercial/markaz. So no fear when travelling late nite.

If your kids schools/colleges are nearby, you should definitely go to Bahria. No second thoughts.

I am agree with B.R Malik sab.Bahria is best so no need to compare G-15 with Bahria.
