G-14/1 Development

Dear all,

What is your take on G-14/1 development prospects? Considering the buildup properties in the sector that are yet to be cleared by CDA, do you think hurdles will be cleared in future soon?

Dear Tariq sb in any case it has to be clear from built up properties, no one can define a time line however it relates to the opening of New airport as CDA has to clear all sectors on the way to airport.

Experts from inside CDA sectors may have a broghter view on it

G-14/1 is not going to develop anytime soon…It will take very long time period which cant be judged.

Saadi bhai how can you say this ? have you any inside information or just it is your assesment ?

Whats an update on FGEHS efforts for collecting money from Allottess of G14/1 and 2 for compensating build up properties as agreed in court?

They haven’t collected a single penny as they first have to resolve the issues with the villagers for builtup properties

We are working as interior designer and construction company for several year and would like to provide you our services in this regard. If you are interested then send us your contact details at hamza.asif@ameradnan.com or call on 0423-6655262.


Dear Hamza bhai have you any other message in your clipboard to paste :slight_smile:

I have some known people living there. They told it is not going to resolve soon. Proabably 5-10 years. Some big guns like judges are living there and they know how to take stay orders and things. So stay away! and invest in other places which you are certain about.

No big guns are there in G-14/1,2,3, this is just a propiganda, big guns are living in g-12 and f-12

whereas G-14/1,2,3 have 60% fields, 20%villagers and 20% on rent and some kachi abadies (Pathan) etc.

Rehman sb…Sir some inside info…

Thanks Saddi Bhai

Rehman Sb, Saadi and we expecting more inside information:)