G-14/1,2,3 status

What is expected time for g-14/1, 2 and 3 to be developed and available for possession?

It is 2 year and will stay like this. The morons in FGEHF or CDA are lazy sluggish creatures and are failed to develop it since decades.

That means, it will be the same status after 2 years? FGEHF is claiming 2 years time these days. According to latest news report, they have completed the survey of all housing in the area and it is expected that they will start paying to the affectees soon. Also request for proposal draft was demanded in June from the firms to develop G-14/2,3 but not G-14/1. This all is very positive. They are also under pressure for their wrong doings in Bara kahu and F-14,15 schemes. Probably they need some face saving and G-14 is the only option left for them for face saving.

What is your opinion?

@ Muhammad Usman…Nothing has been done wrong in F-14/15 btw…Yes in Bharkahu there are some issue

Is there any real factual predication about G-14/1, which can be based to plan for future?

Forget G-14/1 for the next 10 years