Sometimes a question comes to my mind that what will be the future of cda sectors if cda keeps on working on such lines?In such a fierce competition when there are many private developers developing world class residential schemes,who will be going to expensive zone 1 when there is no maintenance by cda.
Track record of cda:
1-not announced any sector for last 25 years.
2-dilapidated condition of roads.
3-no proper water facility.
4-poor law and order situation.
5-all shopping markazes are portraying true picture of raja bazar.
6-sector d-12 undeveloped for last 25 years.
7-sector e-12 undeveloped for last 23 years.
8-kashmir highway work at snail pace.
7-bad governance and corruption within organization.
8-delay in development work in g-13.
9-delay in development work in g-14.
The location of zone 1 (close to margalla hills, blue area, secretariat and main commercial centres, hospitals like pims and shifa international and schools) plus the prestige value will enable it to maintain is position of the most expensive real estate property in pakistan.
However, one thing can be said:- zone 1 will not rise as fast as the newer areas. For example properties in old zone 1 will not rise as fast as b-17 if margalla avenue is constructed.
I agree with saadi sahab that the roadwork, comfort of living and security is better in f-15 of zone 2 as compared to g-13 and g-14 of zone 1. Also the distance between f-15 and g-13/14 is not much. Still there is a big price difference in favour of g-13/14 because of the psychological impact of zone 1 and cda. People see g-15/f-15 as being on gt road while g-13/14 is on kashmir highway. When they give access to jkchs on kashmir highway, its prices will come closer to g-14 but the gap will never be finished.
So far, everything on the east of gt road is considered the upscale and elite of islamabad. This will change if margalla avenue is built and extended to cross gt road and reach m1 motorway through the new interchange. Then b-17 and d-17 will attract full attention.
Also, if blue area is extended to cross into zone 2 - by the way this will happen one day due to the new airport because all airport traffic cannot always go through kashmir highway. Even 6 lanes will be short of requirements in the future. Then, f-17 and e-16/17 will get benefit as it will pass between them. But at the moment this is far in the future because the govt has very little funds for development. Everything depends on economic growth.
Until then zone 1 is zone 1 and no society can beat it.