Why are the prices in Multi Orhard (farm house) are at least 5 times lower than Gulberg and D-17? Is it because these two areas are more developed than Multi Orhard? If so do we expect similar prices in Multi Orchard as well in near future?
Main reason for higher prices in Gulberg and D-17 is that these are located inside Islamabad Capital (ICT) limits. Raw land price in ICT is naturally higher because all nearby areas have been developed into expensive societies.
This does not mean that the inherent quality of land is better in ICT. In fact the terrain in Multi Orchards is more level and fertile as compared to Gulberg but still land in Capital limits is always higher in price.
So Gulberg and D-17 will always be higher priced than Multi but Multi is likely to give better ROI because more buyers can afford Multi so there is likely to be greater trading activity in Multi Orchards when possession is given and construction of houses begins inshaAllah.
Standard of development in Multi Orchards is also very good. Practically speaking the only difference between Multi and others is distance. But drive is quick on Motorway then KH.
Thanks for a detailed response