JKCHS so Called Jamu Kashmir Society G15 where is F 15 sector & F16 .
G16 on border line but same access rode use for G16 Society .Now a days F 16 is hot cake for investor The society MC is planning for development after eid .The location is not bad even there is not water issue like G15 has coz of village Badhana .
is land issue near to resolve in F-16/1? what is current price of 30x60 in F-16/1?
F-16 is a big mess. People have paid in full since ages and usual lollipops and even land not purchased with that money …
actually we have a file of f-16 since 2004, don’t know what to do with that file?
Nasir Saab,
send me your plot number and I will update you current status regarding current land status and assessment
کسی دن ڈیلرز کے ہاتھ کوئی اور سادہ بندہ لگے گا تو اس کو سیل کر دیں گے