Enclave 2 Vs Bahria Phase 8

Dear experts,

Please share your expertise for the above mentioned title, from the investment point of view, where do you see both the projects in coming 3-4 years ?.

Will Enclave break the highest profit margins set by Bahria Town Rawalpindi being in capital city or will just end up after reaching to the rates of Bahria phase 8. Or enclave is just a hope for homeless people and the profit gainers for ccouple of decades while Bahria town Rawalpindi is a reality..

Is there any further room for investment in phase 8 and is it still a good investment in enclave for the new investors...

Don’t go or think for Enclave2 more better is phase8 safe and possession area.

I think for a long term investment especially keeping in mind the the current low price of BE 2, it a right time to invest there. Although nothing is clear at the mpment, it will surely give good returns for 3-4 year investment plan. If even G-13 is out limit as far as price is concerened, how Bahria Enclave can be less than that in next 3-4 years? Never!

For the time being the problem is way Bahria has lost its confdence otherwise it would be best investment in the capitl. But for new investors it is even better that the price is low.

Enclave-2 can repeat the story of Bahria Phase-9 where no development has done even after 11-years. Phase-8 is surely secure investment where atleast you know about your plot location.

@ Irfan & Nadeem, I do not think so it will be such a flop show like phase 9 looking at the starting prices of 39.55 its not digesting that Bahria can sleep over on enclave for so long..dont they need thier remaining installments ?.

plots sitting @ 5.5 do you think any one will go and deposit the installments...

Definetely the spice to get further amounts will be coming soon..., which can be in form of maps, location etc.

@Sohail sb

Bahria town has given the option of merging two files of enclave-2. If it happens that means Bahria dont need initial 3-4 installments which they already have received. In that case; if bahria shows no progress on this project for next 1-2 years, even then investors can not do anything. Right now; MR focus is only Karachi.

Frankly speaking; I wish bahria town do not do this with the investors of Enclave-2 because bahria has already damaged its reputation because of previously incomplete projects. U know even Phase-8 took 11-years but even then all phases possession is not given but atleast Phase-8 has become reality after so many years.

I am agreed with Irfan sab.

Irfan sb, correct I agreed with you too, they might have covered with very few cases with merging formula, but any idea why only the whole game going on in 5 marla plots, one of the reason is extra sale of files, but why no one talks about the 10 marls and above, is every thing stable there..

Any one sharing new rates of all sizes in enclave 2..,

Dear All, please advise how is to invest now a days in phase 8 M or L block for 5 marla, what are the current rates , is it true it was touching 31 lacs at one stage?, what is the near future of overall phase 8 files plots?

Kind Regards

@ Sohail Sb; May be many people disagree with me but I think its ideal time to invest in Phase-8 because its prices has substantially decreased during last 8-months. If anybody feels its prices will come at ZERO level then I think its not possible. It can start moving upward sharply anytime. Yes; its true 5-Marla file of Phase-8 M-Block touched 30-lacs in October 2013 just for few days. M-Block is better than L-block because its close to Ring Road & huge commercial area is also located in M-Block. I think current rate of 5-Marla file in M-Block would be around 18-lacs but its better you check it from couple of dealers.

Irfan sb, Many thanks, I am also thinking the same, is that one of the reason as that time they launched enclave2 and thought to keep the prices at leaset 39 as already phase 8 was touching 30.

Please can you advise as why M block is lowest in rate now apart from the fact you mentioned is that its on good location , still L , E etc are on slightly higher side.

Also advise what is better in 10 marla, F2, F3, G, H, I, I am talking about investing of 1-2 years, what is expected in all 5 and 10 marlas the best possibilities of possession in near future.

Honestly speaking; I am also looking for the answer of this question. Why Bahria Management is putting M-block development at low pace whereas the far located blocks like L and N are developed and possession has also granted. Sometimes; I feel bahria will make sub-sectors of M-block due to its location and then sell it at higher prices as they did with E-block. E1, E2, E3, E4 was not included when phase-8 was launched. Even you can see the phase-8 map on website, you will not find these sub-sectors.

As far as 10-Marla investment is concerned; G, H, I blocks already have possession where as F2 & F3 are under development and its price would be cheaper than developed blocks. Now you can take decision as per your budget.

It would be great if you visit these blocks personally before investing your money. You would have exact knowledge of whats happening on ground. Do not blindly follow the advise of dealers or other people including me.

Thanks Irfan sb once again , yes you are right its best to visit the site and see things phisically, but I am also one of the overseas pakistani, therefore trying to get the information as much as possible on forum like this, usually I go once a year and at that time its not always possible to get the best rates and also not possible to start all your reseach in limited time,

I thought this time to look for more close to completion sectors like phase 8 , at least there is some thing going on, but still not sure how further it can be down.