Effect on property prices after sc verdict

What will be the effect on property prices after today’s verdict ?

I think no immediate effect

In the short term some traders or agents may try to influence the market with prices going either way. However, in the long run, real estate markets will follow their own pattern. The real change may come if either the next PM or future government may try to legislate the rules or regulations focusing on real estate sector. That would have more serious consequences in the long run.

It all depends who is the new PM and how the stock market reacts to this. If someone from Sharif family (Shahbaz, most likely) and stock market remains stable, then I see no effect. Otherwise, price escalation and new game play is eminent.

Particularly Malik Riaz, who has been quiet since long during NS era, is likely to capitalize on changing political scenario. So stay put and watch his moves, you will soon see which way the wind blows.

On a different note, I put some selling on facebook in a group and had three querries right after the verdict.

It seems property market started getting some life.

Property went UP when NS came in to power in 2013. So how his departure is a good news for property market?

Also all the black money parked will drain out as corrupt investors are running scared. Some PMLN's MNAs already left Pakistan including khawaja asif, while others following in coming days.

Property market will suffer big-time now. Even if PTI comes in to power in next elections, they will be scared of ongoing accountability.


In Nawaz era, money was constantly being drained to outside Pakistan and Dubai is one of the examples. Business never parks on rest, it has to go somewhere for multiplication!

SC precedent, positive or negative, has become a law and people will think twice before sending big sums outside.

MR will be a main player and He will never put himself on the losing side!

Just see the changing tone of daily Jinnah, sir!
Money is energy, if one gains somewhere, someone has to lose somewhere! Energy cannot be confined for longer time as it cannot be destroyed nor it could be created.
It has its own dynamics.


I beg to differ. People are already flying out. Soon capital will start flying out of Pakistan. Cor rupt can't stand accountability. Market built on black money will collapse first in order for clean one to emerge.

Yes, there is a point but if expat pro govt. Takes the reins, we are likely to see the huge investment in property as this is the only option, expats could do!

Our country is basically running on the expats remittances and that would boost the property.

Yes, core corrupts has no accountability but we hope that it will at least reduced to some level after departure of the cartel.

Yes Noon will be staying for some time but “ Gee ka jana thehr gia hay subho gia ya shaam gia”

Sir, one of parking place of black money is property also. Moreover people use to make it white as well through property. So it’s not easy to comment at this stage. Accountability at large scale is not visible in near future. To me things will remain same at least till next march.

Gents, the point is to gain the trust of the both expats & in-house property investors.

Munshi has spread so much filth in this sector that real-estate came at halt!

He had his own agenda of taking money from this sector to other venues particularly to gambling in stock exchange where He & his gangsters could play freely?

@li seems right that the big effect would be seen after sometime.

Shabaz with all of his dramas, does have some intelligence contrary to his purchee Bhaa Gee and we do hope that He will play sensibly and remove some bars on property investments, if He gets hold of decision making level.

Brothers I am not sure which side property will move … But one thing I am sure that there will be no accountability … There will be scrutiny of many for sometime and then its all over. Please try to understand the dynamics of our politics.

However, dollar rupee parity will not remain same and will obviously effect all asset classes.

@ Naveed


The way they did borrowing, inflation is written in stone!

Exports have been dropped dangerously and uncertainty will play catalyst. Only CPEC seems neutralizer if carried out intelligently.

@Naveed, I tend to agree more with your comments. To me this is not accountability, but witch-hunting, and whoever is with the "church" will most definitely find redemption.

This "church" on the other hand, knows only one business, that is flipping property to maximize its wealth, So, lo and behold, another wave of property price inflation is in the offing.

(NB: Anybody in doubt must study Gawadar bubble.)

So mainly two theories making rounds. Black money leaving country then the property bubble will burst and the church theory with church only knows occupying land. I think in both situations MR is the winner.


MR not only winner but will be the main player as Ch Nisaar stupidly lost his respect, He has earned so far!

No one in Nawaz close circle pays him any respect and He is making himself more n more dwarf!

MR is likely to play free now.

See how is that Canadian Maoulvee being controlled and being kept shut on model town massacre!

Agree with Isloo. Also like your description; Neither them nor their stooges can be described as ‘Mosque’ :smiley:

MR is only a frontman. So when all the "witches" are burnt, he will come forward to help holies take out money from your and my pockets.

Irony is that we fell to our own greed. He simply triggers it.

MR has too many skeletons in his closets. I think MR will be history just like corrupt Nawaz Sharif.

Justice system is finally independent and free in Pakistan. It will take only one case to destroy MR.