My question is that there are four brothers and three sisters four brothers migrated towards pakistan azad kashmir in 1956 there is a law that every family is aloted a land three brothers aloted 59 kanal land and the other one aloted his land in another district of azad kashmir the family of three brothers have 59 kanal land one was died in 1971 who have 2 sons and 5 daughters the second one died in 1973 and have no son and daugther the third died in 2006 and have 8 sons and 2 daughters. The second one will was that my land is distributed among two brothers the one who died in 1971 and second who died in2006. But the question is that the fourth brother who aloted land seperately died in1987 during his life he didn,t demand for the land but now in2008 the sons of fourth brother demanded the land according to shariah are we liable to gave him the land are not according to evacuee prorperty law they are not liable to get the land because they are not registered as family with three brothers if we are liable to give the land according to shariah is their sisters who didn’t migrated are also liable or not.