Dha valley latest

Dha valley latest info:
Doubly confirmed that prices are increasing
Commercials are gaining more than residential
Pls call ur mens in conform as i had confirmed already done and confirmed
In fact i had 5 lacs profit offer on my 4 marla commercial in oleander in general category

I SOLD all my stock last week,only bluebell transferable left,ye you are right ,minimum 2 lack profit per file on residential compared to prices n the past,

will buy them back in December,i am sure market wont sustain for long,as infrastructure in place or in the pipeline is not astonishing to change something overnite

MR pushed to wall by generals and his handing over Garden City to DHA are early signs of revival for DHA valley

MR is under severe pressure of GHQ coz of shuhada families plots. Handing over garden city is just beginning, if he fails to develop DHA valley then he has to handover something else to DHA as well. TV commercial these days are part of it.

I hate to say but the way matters are moving against MR, it seems no more expansion of BTs other than what He possesses now in Rawalpindi/Islamabad.

DHA readying up to make a fun of it

ABOVE are the same stories which created a fake boom and people got trapped,couple of years ago,i bought 5 files in december when market was grounded,just earned 2 lak per file and let them go,and i am sure prices this december will be less then what i have sold them at present,to buy them back,

even if malik has a will to develop dha valley.where is he getting the land from,as apart from few blocks with less possession,rest are all n the air,

unless he buys back max files,and put them on fire,and hand over the rest to the allottes


The blocks which are fully possessed such as Lilly, Oleander, Rose, Daffodil, Bluebell and some other partially claimed could alone justify full scale development.

The problems is that He fails to understand that getting one Kanald from poor villagers by paying few 1000s, days are gone

If He does like Gulberg did, He can get the land WITH THE HELP OF DHA but still too greedy not to do that!

I think this time DHA will not come down as all indicators are favourable for DHA.

They are talking handing over some blocks or at least DHA homes and that will keep it at high grounds

I wonder if you have physically visited dha valley,as even the above blocks you have mentioned,are not fully possessed,valley is not more 30 percent in the right hands,

Adnan Sahab

This possession thing is very confusing

I am sure you are fully informed person about the true situation but please understand that there is no way to get real info from the web

You have to reach to "Patwaris" and onsite draftsmen. The fact ,that DHA homes were shifted from 8.1 km with reference to Islamabad highway to 12 km in Lilly & Oleandar, was full possession of these two blocks. Other sectors I mentioned are also claimed but why they are still in dispute is that:

People got money but now Mafia took over

If there is will with DHA HRL and BT, these problems are peanut for the sectors I mentioned. Having said that there are real problems with some other sectors which are big concerns in valley