Dha Valley Fall in 2015

This might become the waterloo for malik riaz as people are becoming sick of not getting possessions. May be its time for mr to go kneel in front of showbaz shareef and request him to quit his dam building drama and let bahria finish the work and give possessions.

All those suffering today will get 500% profits as soon possession issue has resolved. But i don't think it will happen in noon league's tenure.

Last Night, Malik Raiz gave some good news about giving possession starting Dec 2015. So i expect 2016 will be turning point for Valley people. I’m glad to see that i’ll be able to use the plots in my life time :slight_smile:

When DHA will give dunda to shahbaz sharif then its not about if n league wants or not ,malik is just part of the consortium,and i am sure all these advancements are taking place due to khakis pressure rather then malik doing anything by himself

Dear adnan,

please don't use this type language, thousand of peoples are reading your comments

Watch interview of Malik Riaz where he explains the issues regarding development of DHA Valley and discloses possession date of first few blocks of DHA Valley.


RK.What language have i used above,i couldnt find any objectionable stuff,be positive think positive

Dear Adnan,

Without right to offend, right to free speech seizes to exist. I do appreciate your feedback. One's words can never do any harm to anyone no matter how hard they are.

So keep writing whatever you feel to write and try not to pay attention to the people who remain unfamiliar with whole idea of free speech to everyone.

Asad Malik Sb.

Inshallah good days are coming. People will forget even about Phase-8 as this project will have much better access.

Bahria Town will deliver once again. Inshallah.

DHA valley k sath bohat zulm hua hai.

Jasmine 5 marla 11 paid 1 lakh profit,orleander 12 paid 8 marla open 1.7 profit,daffodil 8 marla 12 paid 1.5 profit,bluebell 5 marla open 4 lakh profit,bluebell 5 marla transferable corner 3 lakh profit contact 03005167456

Musharraf had given illegaly the land of daducha dam to riaz dako. After looting 40 thousand innocent people in phase 9 DHA valley is another fraud of Riaz dako . Riaz dako is the biggest qabza mafia of Pakistan whose success lies in looting poors land , poor people investment, forest land ,Government land and rewarding rich. Mr Imran A sheikh why not you are blaming riaz dako who launched this scheme on already declared dam site

Riaz dako after looting innocent 40 thousand people in phase 9 launched dha valley with the aid of Musharraf on already announced daducha dam site. The aim of the project either to grab Government land like he did with forest and shaamlat land in previous phases or to lot poor and middle class people like he did in phase-9. Riaz dako is the biggest qabza mafia Pakistan ever had. He always looted poor's and rewarded rich this is his success.

Mr. Imran A sheikh why not you are taking the name of Riaz dako who illegally launched dha valley on Daducha dam site like he launched Garden city on forest land site. You are always speaking against multi but never speak against Riaz dako who is much bigger criminal than multi

Even with all his wrong-doings and short-comings, Malik Riaz is the man who change the total industry landscape, not to mention so much that he contributes back to our society.

There is no comparison between looters of Multi (hole in the wall society) and MR of Bahria Town. Period!!!

Paid touts of Riaz dako has no courage to say a single word against him on this forum

Lol Riaz dako has looted 60 thousand innocent people in Phase 9 and DHA Valley and you are praising him because you are his paid tout. RIAZ DAKO IS THE BIGGEST QABZA MAFIA PAKISTAN EVER HAVE. All Bahria land is either looted from the poor people or forest land. There is no comparison of looting poor people between Riaz dako and multi. Multi loot mar against poor people is only 10% of Riaz dako. However you are praisng Riaz dako beacause you are the paid tout of him.

There are no Saints in Pakistan, you just have to pick lesser of the evils.

BTW, do you really think that I am paid tout of Riaz Dako?

Its seem to me because you are always praising Riaz dako. In reality there are thousands of victims of phase 9 and dha valley like me and our hard earned money had been looted by biggest dacoit of Pakistan who is riaz dako. Multi has looted 5 thoussnd in D block while Riaz dako had looted 60 thousand in dha valley and phase 9 who is lesser evil.You are choosing bigger evil not lesser evil.

Well, you don't know me and yet giving me such an honor of name calling. If you don't like my opinions, this forum gives you equal opportunity to state your own. Name calling doesn't prove me a paid tout of MR, it only shows what kind of gentleman you are.

Secondly, if you like we can meet up sometime here in Phase-8 and do a percentage analysis on this issue on both of the projects, I can bet that percentage of effected people is very high in B-17 compared to Bahria.

Dear Zamin Admin: Your censor policy is somewhat surprising to me. You have just blocked a thread titled “Dha valley will be the grave of riaz dako” on derogatory remarks issue, while I see the same language and terms used in this thread, but no action. Kia yeh khula tezad nahin? Or perhaps you deleted the objectionable stuff on that thread before blocking it, I can’t tell.

I think admin is a paid promoter himself