To all DHA experts
Someone has offered me a plot near end of liaqat ali khan blvd, close to the road next to the river. What is the likelihood of flooding around that area or surrounding streets?
What preventative measures if any have DHA got in place?
Appreciate any views or advice.
I never heard of any flooding in that area, however, it is better to ask some local of that area, someone who lives there already. Regarding preventative measures my friend DHA has given you plot and now it is you who has to take such measure not DHA because DHA cannot stop a river overflow if it ever happens
Being abroad I don’t have access so I am posting on this forum. If someone with knowledge can post that would be great.
I have personally visited K block and seen the ling river. The service or blvd road next to river is not on height but close to it. Also that area is too deep inside and far away from main commercial and DHA gate. If you do not have any budget constraint try to look for something else. People whose plots are near the river charge extra for river view but i personally feel there is no such thing as a river view especially a dirty river i must say.
Thanks for further response. That info was what I was looking for. Here in the UK houses next to river are expensive but always at risk every year of flooding. I think based on what you said it is better to buy in L sector. I don't have a specific budget but just looking for the best plot I can get. This was a corner with extra land so I was considering. I don't want to have to place sandbags around my house and enjoy the view!
I don't think 'K' will be as successful due to the river issue. People want view but from height.
Tariq sb - just wanted to clear one thing - ALL of sector K is not in depression or next to river :).. Plenty of places with height and distance from river.
I agree with Arshad sbs comment on not to go for anything adjacent to river unless it is on a great height. There is portion of sector K and M adjacent to this river...
Yes a height location plot in sector K or sector L will be a better choice..
BTW if you dont mind sharing - what price were you getting this plot with extra land in sector K?
It was offered at 88L to me but I wanted to find out some more first before discussing price.
You may find a boulevard plot in 90-105 budget in sector K and L which may be a better investment. Sector L Johar boulevard you may find something around 90ish
Yup i agree with waqar brother. You should not just consider corner but a good location corner. Good location would be close to market, on blvd road or big street, front open etc. Height view plots have a problem in K-P blocks. As there are no houses at the moment so you would not be able to judge how that view would be after houses are constructed as K and L do not have that prominent type of height view so it is risky. If you can get something on main Blvd or close to main markaz or some other good location proper corner it will be fine. K is also good and so is L block.
saadi brother knows much better than all of us you may contact him for good deals.
DHA sector K is very high from (Soan) Ling River, there is no chance of flooding at all. I been there many times. Never ever seen or heard of any flooding there.
Depends from which point you seen it maybe. From main gate entrance towards river in K block is a downward slope so the streets close to river are at at somewhat the lowest point. From the point i have seen it was not on height and pretty close to the river though the river itself looks more like a nallah but still gives an unpleasant feel. If you open google map i saw it from st.B-11 towards B-64 (as per map) . I really don’t know about chance of flooding but that place does not appeal in any manner. There are no shortage of plots in k block so why go for such a thing when you have so many other nice options around.