Which phase and sector is good to invest 90 lakh rupees(9 million) in DHA Lahore?
I would suggest Phase 7 and Phase 9. In Phase 9 you should be able to diversify your portfolio with multiple files of different sizes, which will give you a better chance for good returns.
Whats about 1 Kanal file in phase 8 - sector z or s?
Yes, IS is right.
Among Phase 7, 8 and 9, Phase 8 is the best, location wise and if you can find a good deal there, there is no reason why you should refuse to it.
Agreed with Sultan Ahmed. Phase-7 possession plot is good & workable option for you.
Phase-8 is good from location point of view but also expensive. So investment decision to be made according to budget available.
I suggest you make a portfolio of investment. Why don't you consider 5-marla files in Phase 9. Rumors are there in the market that Phase 9 (proper) will be balloted soon, In Sha ALLAH.
And we are well-aware what happens after balloting.
Whatever you do, please play a safe game and lessen your risk by making a portfolio of investment.
Rest ALLAH knows better.
zain Nadeem
There are certain sectors (or may be just one sector) in DHA Phase 8, where rates are very low. I am not sure if it is sector Z. Does anyone else here know about it?