Dha gujranwala 5 marla plots

Respected members,

I have few questions related to the newly launched 5 marla dha gujranwala plots.

  1. If i apply for 15-20 files, what should be the probability that i will get 1 file during balloting? In simple words any idea how many plots are there and estimated number of applicants?

  2. In case if i get one file during balloting, does it gives me some return on short term basis, i mean within six months. In simple words does it worth it to spend 50000/- rupees only on chance?

  3. Any idea about the date of balloting?

Please reply soon as last date to apply is 19th january.

Dear Rana,

There are almost 3000 plots from what I've heard. The more you apply the more chances you have. Let's hope for the best.



When balloting of DHA Gujranwala is planned?