Dha City vs Bahria Town Karachi

In today's newspaper there we're adds by dha regarding the progress is work in several sectors and initiation of work at their business districts. This probably was in reply to btk's release of some pictures a couple of days ago showing machinery and development. Has the competition officially begun? :)

Is it advisable to buy plots in dck as well? What are current prices there?

I think due to BTK, DCK has escalated development to give possession before BTK. This will help BTK in the sense when people will start moving to DCK, BTK location will attract more genuine buyer in future and if you check extra 8K Acres land DCK acquired, it is on other side of super highway where BTK is and in future (I hope) they can link both societies via link road where top end of BTK residents can easily commute to DCK.

No one know when DCK will announce DCK ph.2 but it could affect prices of DCK ph.1


latest price: http://dhatoday.com/dha-city-karachi-dck-latest-plot-prices-may-2014/

DHA City is better option

I agree DHA has a more trusted name, but on the other hand time factor is also very important.

BTK now just stared, now going very fast. One of my friend got payment plan of overseas block, which they are planning to hand over by the end of 2015.

Again, if you compare the BTK and DCK Master plans, you wil find more open space in BTK. The roads structure reflects more modern pattern.


Agree with Ahmad, its all depend how BTK performs and either they can deliver on time or not.

DCK prices are already level with BTK i.e. 500sq yard in DCK is between 20-35 lac on demand + 20 lac plot cost.

BTK is a private entity and will beat DCK in competition when compared to its design/infrastructure and marketing.

If you look at the BT; from area and location selection, land acquisition, Master planning, infrastructure development, project management, marketing, and administratiion, all is done under one roof. It defines a promising structure of the organization.

On the other hand the DHA have to get assistance for almost all of these from engineering and planning companies to do it for them. This is a completly different story.

But anyway, I would strongly support snd encourage DHA and BTK for their efforts making for providing better living for the citizens of our beloved country Pakistan.

Please go ahead with your comments.