Dha bahawalpur prospects is one year

What are the prospects of dha bahawalpur investment in kanal files for atleast one year?

In my opinion, you need to hold it for 3 years to get handsome returns…Rest Allah knows best

Till now DHA Bahawalpur is meeting all milestones on time.

They have already announced that from April 2018 any new land files will be for phase 2. This means phase one is closing next month and there will be less and less affirmative files coming to the market.

Last year the 1K files was touching 32 lac but currently at 28 lac. The reason was continuous supply of affidavit land files which will no more be the case and you will see that file price will not drop any more. It will now only go up as demand is high and availability will be low after 2 months which will at lease add 10 to 15% increase in current value. So expected May 2018 price will be 31-33 lac,

Secondly, DHA has announced balloting in Aug 2018 and looking at their promise keeping history it is very much likely. After ballot there should be another 10-15% appreciation. So expected price in Sept 2018 will be 35-38lac

Thirdly the proper inauguration is Dec 2018 means another 10-15% appreciation. So in 10 months time the expected price will be 40-42 lac.

So if we sum up that's between 30%-40% yield on investment of 28lac within one year which is great.

Hence my advise is to jump on this wagon as early as possible.