DHA-2 (M N P) Vs Bahria-8

Which one do you guys think would be a better investment? (Investment horizon: 3 to 4 years) ... Spoke to a few dealers and somehow all of them recommended Bahria-8 due to its current low pricing for possession plots and more potential in coming years. In there opinion Bahria-8 location/access doesn't matter since its a city within a city and its the next future Bahria and usually Bahria IBD is expensive than DHA IBD.

Below are the prices:
DHA-2 (M N P): 10 Marla plot - 5 to 5.5 million possession or nearing possession.

Bahria-8: 10 Marla plot - 4.5 million possession plot. Would highly appreciate comments from esteemed members.

Oh and as we all agree that Bahria’s living standards are much better than DHA. So even though DHA-2 has superb location, it still doesn’t match Bahria’s standards.

Well I think value of bahria phase 8 for both living n investment is over now. It is a time of bahria enclave islamabad. Only those property dealers who have stakes in phase 8 will differ from me.

Yes it is true For more information please refer to below thread


Ahmad11: I don’t know much about Bahria Enclave. Can you please list a few reasons that why is Enclave better than phase-8. This will help me to compare both.

By all means bahria enclave is better than phase 8.

  1. Its standard of development is even far better than phase 8.

  2. It is in islamabad n near to zone 1

  3. Its location is tremendously beautiful.

However it is not 100 % ready for living as there are only few houses because its a new project of bahria. But for living phase 1-6 are good if you have no problem of their location. But I think in 2 years bahria enclave will have population n I myself will construct house in bahria enclave InshAllah

..Thanks Ahmad11 and what is the current best average per marla price for a normal possession plot in enclave. (Bahria-8 average would be around 4.5 lakh per marla)

..And using google map distance wise enclave is 22km from zero point which is equal to the DHA-2 distance from zero point. I was hoping that enclave would be much closer.

@Ammad sb…Sir of 10 mrla in N and p are far less than you mentioned.In N block 31 to 45 and in P block 28 to 35 approx.In L rates are 50 to 55 due to possession and they are on high ground.Location wise they are far better than ph8 and standards wise ph8 is better.Ex comm has more scope apparently due to 10 lane highway.

Is this price of 10 Marla with or without developmental charges, bcz dha has very high developmental charges ,and if its without developmental charges than how much will be the final price, please have your say,

Thanks Saadi. Dk has a valid point here about the amount of development charges because it will change the final price tag.

Please clarify the question of development charges? From Investment point of view in coming 3 years, what will be better option? Please also shed some light on prices range of 5, 7 and 10 marla in different block of BT-8.