DHA-2, Development Standard

I visited DHA-22 3 days back and frankly I was disappointed to see the development standard of the society. To me it was very ordinary, there were some streets which appeared way below the main road level and also the quality of houses already built did not give a very good impression either. I know its up to individuals to decide about their construction standard but still it affects the whole society. What are your thoughts?

Thanks for Sharing Zafar Ullah sb. What about apartments and world trade center ? How do they look like?

Apple, I think it will depend how these apartments are finished and how do they look from inside. I wont be able to comment on that to be honest. I had a general look, thinking how it would to live here and found it quite ordinary. I maybe be wrong in my assessment but that how I felt. May Allah save me from DHA fans now :slight_smile:

Frankly speaking i believe DHA is famous at Lahore and Karachi but at Pindi DHA nee Chawal He Mari Ha.

@ zafar ullah sb…Plz pin point the sectors you have mentioned…Kahin sector J or sector D ka end to visit kar kay wapis nahi aa gaey khali??Aisa kya khaa wahan missing hai jo aap kay liye hona chaiye??

Saadi sahab

I have never been to DHA 2 before and with all the publicity and hoo-ha about how good DHA is, I probably HAD higher expectations about it. I went through the whole DHA including J block at the entrance. It did not have the wow factor that you would expect from such a big name and so much publicity goping on about it. It was just ok , a normal society that could have been anywhere else. I thought it would stand out buit it did not.As I said its my own assessment and people may differ.

DHA 2 is a decent housing society.well i have visited DHA few times and i m impressed with a quality of work especially construction standard .sector J looks ok.But sector A B C E and F is fabolous.

I never understand why people thinks development of DHA is good. Apart from big gates and security guards there is nothing good in DHA phase 2. One plot on mountain adjacent plot in nallah. If you visit the site Without DHA phobia in mind, I guarantee you development of societies like River Garden & Gulberg is way better than DHA phase 2.

Raja Kaleem

I tend to agree. I also went to River Garden next door and to be honest if I could nt see much difference, maybe a little but again nothing that I woud expect looking at the big name of DHA.

Having said that development is not good in DHA phase 2, It is still better to buy in DHA rather than others. Because in long run only big name counts. Development & location doesn’t matter that much.

I think we need some perspective here.

DHA-2 is way improved and much better than its predecessor DHA-1. This is because of its town planning with wideer boulevards and lot of open areas. Commercials, club and other communal areas are also well planned. The whole western strip along side G. T. Road is being developed by Al Ghurair Giga for its various high-end residential and world class commercial projects like WTC.

The story of J block is different, however. DHA acquired this area from the former Commoners town and carried on with the town planning as it is. This gives this sector a low-quality look, no doubt about it.

Now coming to house designs, frankly, I see no big issues with that. Though some are much simpler which could be reflection of low affordability of our forces' officers (there are very few left with integrity)

I have seen DHA lahore, karachi and islamabad. I think, DHA-2 of Isl is not behind any other city in terms of town planning. It is just that, in here, it is not the first choice of our rich aristocracy.

If you are still not happy, then chose block K, L, M, N, O, P (ex-commoners town) which is on the left opposite to J block along side Islamabad highway. It is going to be the elitest of all DHA phases in Isl.

Saadi, would you agree?

Yes isloo you are right to greater extent..Plus analysis of raja kaleem is too much bisaed..Sir please mention the location where one plot is height and other is nullah??I have not seen any..Dha has typical standard and style every where and dha lhr is almost same as dha 2..And yes some house designs are not appropriate because some of rich people from different villages etc have constructed their houses according to their own taste and rest of houses are excellent..Every world class facility is available there..I do not know what zafar sb was searching for and development standard is more than excellent....

And for God's sake..kahan river garden kahan dha..

DHA has a very good development standard.

I aggree with Saadi.

@Isloo , great analyses . I completely agree, development of secotors KLMNP is much better than initial phases. Besides the name of DHA its the security of ur investment ( No Land Issues here) which does matter…

I agree development standard of DHA is pretty good. I think one thing that is different between DHA and some of the other developers is that the natural landscape is mostly maintained in case of DHA 2 and not alot of filling to make it look nice and flat.

This does result in some streets at height and some areas in depression which may look a little untidy but technically it is not bad for construction.

I also like K,L,M,N,P more - but that is also due to the fact that not too many houses there and you enjoy landscape more :) - and the advantage of DHA expressway with commercial to be developed by Bahria.

Bhai we are not debating if DHA is a safe investment or not thats a totally different issue. I am also not saying that DH2 is completely pathetic . But if you go to DHA its no different than any other medium to good quality society. One would expect a far better development looking at the ’ big name’ of DHA. Bahria is an excellent example . You walk into Bahria and you know you are in Bahria., you walk into DHA2 and you could be looking at any other society of the area, not much difference, And the fact that people mention these two names in the same breath, you would expect at least expect some comparable standards if not exactly the same.

Zafar Sb - I agree - Bahria development standard is better than DHA. Infact Bahria VIII in my opinion is best across whole Pakistan in terms of development.

DHA 2 as a package in my own opinion is better for investment or more practical for living due to an edge in location. Being accessible from main Expressway directly (multiple gates) - which is likely to be updated to 10 lane.

I agree with Zafar Ullah . Ups and down at landscape give the feeling of some village . They should have filled or made it look better .Uneven places make it look ugly.

Well as I haven’t visited DHA 2 from a year or so.I would see it this way.Bahria 10 marla phase 1-6 is apprex 1 crore.While 1 kanal good plot in DHA 2 general catagory plot can be found at 1 crore 20 lacs approx.So look at price ratio too.This price reflection laso matters while buying.Compare it with G-13/14 1 k prices and their standards.Then you will be better able to judege.Everything should be seen in relative terms.Multi has good location but highly depending on MA.Once MA will be completed,it could beat DHA 2.But again that’s my own assessment and everybody is free to express his views.Criticism is always welcomed.I would prefer DHA 2 over G/13,G/14 and if MA completes, I will prefer Multi over DHA 2.G-15, F-15 1K is nearly equivalent to or 10 to 20% lower than DHA 2 general catagory plot.And then compare and see which could be better in Future.

Whole area have too much ups and downs. It was not possible to level that.