Time for D12 to roll on to next level.
It would be great if D-12 has improved facilities. Contractor for development is the same one of Kashmir Highway.
But CDA chairman has not highlighted the one of the major issue which is dualization of access road leading to D-12. It includes Service road East and North of E-11. Though the project is written on CDA website.
IF i buy today a plot of 4 Marla at 65 plus and build a house so total cast= 125 lacks,in today's date 2014 July,
MAY be after 15 -to 20 years my son will enjoy some remaining [ if remaining] scenic views of d-12?bcz scenic views are lost at an unprecedented levels in capital territories,
and where will i be then, may be dead or too old to get out of the house,
so is it wise investment???
my answer is no ,if you think i should invest for my son, then why not i invest 12 - 13 million on his education , rather than investing in unseen thunderstorm safety measures,,.
bcz few scattered houses does not make a full bloom scenic sector
this is the way i think about d-12 ,e 12 , i-12,13 ,14, 15, 16,g-14/1,2,3etc
D-12 will become one of the posh sectors in 5 years time. InshaAllah.
By the way, access roads work will also be expedited according to Dawn News story.
Just correctiom to my earlier post.
Dk Sb, but many people do not think like you and many do.
but ,the message was not what is written,
neither i am too old ,to be debilitated after 20 years[ Allah's will,but if he[ ALLAH'S ]HAS WRITTEN SO FOR ME,
but what i meant ,is that how can you justify ,paying full price for a fully bloomed flower, while the flower is yet to be-grown, with no leaves, no trunk yet, just a seed in raw land,
hope you don't consider me, kidding this time?
sir i respect your analysis and predictions,
but if we are alive 5 years is no time , will see if D 12 comes to par with posh sectors ,so the date is 2019- 2020
Just to understand your viewpoint about comparison on investing on child's education and investing on property. Can you give some more arguments?
I think why one cannot invest both on child's education and property. After all child's education is in easy installments.
Further, nowadays child education is directly proportional to the attention parents give him. School/college choice is compulsion and not a decision. Its related to where you live, your social circle and sibling's kids.
Than I guess Islamabad property is strange. One cannot estimate price increase in long term. Like E-11 surpassed all of ours estimates. 35x65 selling fot 2.15 and 35x70 selling on 2.00. First example had better location and second one had absolutely average location.
Nothing close to real education was intended,here, spending your halal money is by choice,
it was a simple view,
it was just pessimistic thinking ,intended to believe ,that money can be better utilized, than be used in supposedly booming sectors.
E-11 is no doubt a real good story , i have seen the area ,but who was the developer and what were his ambitions,
He[ developer was not eyeing just e -11] as know he has a reputation and ,ppl invest with him on trust bases,
but anything cda is doing on itself are still in air,and one can only
hope to be optimistic one day
Very Long planning DK
Any updates regarding D12 market